Why Choose Us ?

France's highest-ranking university in engineering, technology, life & natural sciences

*2021 QS World University Rankings

Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science and Engineering is committed to covering all major fields in science and to tackling contemporary challenges such as climate change, sustainability, digital transformation, the data revolution, open science and so much more. Our education programmes are supported by active research delivered by some of the most advanced research units with cutting-edge and innovative approaches to science and to the world.

10 reasons to choose Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering

  1. A world-class faculty with an international outlook,

  2. A commitment to lifelong learning,

  3. Multidisciplinary courses with a major-minor focus,

  4. Academic advising & counselling to ensure success,

  5. Student and staff welfare & support schemes for special achievers,

  6. Resources & opportunities to foster excellence and innovation,

  7. Dynamic learning and research environments & high employability rates,

  8. Pedagogical innovation & virtual mobility opportunities,

  9. An international supportive community for students and scientists,

  10. A vibrant campus life: in the beating heart of the city... and beyond.