Parcours Computational Mechanics

Since 2017, Sorbonne Université offers a two-year Master program in Computational Mechanics focused on modelling and numerical simulation of fluids and solids. 

Computational Mechanics (CompMech) program covers fundamental and advanced topics on solid and structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, and their interactions. CompMech provides a balanced and deep coverage of theoretical aspects and modern computational methods for the macroscopic modelling, analysis, and design of complex systems including fluids, solids, and soft matter. Applications will range from biological and medical engineering, to civil and mechanical engineering, passing through nuclear and new energies engineering.


Parcours Computational Mechanics


CompMech is developed in a close collaboration with the Italian University La Sapienza (Rome, Italy) ( and the MOX department of Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy) ( and has the ambition to attract highly motivated students and to provide high-level training on continuum and computational mechanics in an international environment.

The Master in Computational Mechanics include three possible versions with or without double degree agreement with Italian Universities.

  • Local version (without double-degree)
  • Double degree with La Sapienza - Ingegneria Meccanica (max 6 places available)
  • Double degree with PoliMi - Ingegneria Mathematica (max 2 places available)


Overview of the mobility program for the students enrolled in Sorbonne

  Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Local version Paris Paris Paris Internship
La Sapienza Paris Rome Paris Internship
Polimi Milan Milan Paris Internship

Course list for the second year (non-exhaustive)

The second year all the students, including those in incoming mobility from La Sapienza and Polimi, will be in Paris.

The students will prepare a personal program of study for the second year in agreement with the academic supervisors. The program can include classes from the following lists and must include a good balance between solid and fluid mechanics.

Details on the content of each class can be found on the pages of the solid and fluid mechanics master programs:

  • Solid mechanics classes:
  • Fluid mechanics classes:
Title Code Campus Period Day Time Language
Numerical methods for nonlinear solids and structures MU5MES01 Jussieu 1 Friday 8h30-12h30 English/French
Fracture Mechanics MU5MES02 Jussieu 1 Tuesday 9h-12h English
Comportement non-linéaires des solides MU5MES03 Jussieu 1 Tuesday 14h-17h French
Introduction à l’homogénéisation en mécanique des milieux continus MU5MES04 ENPC 1 Thursday 14h-17h French
Damage mechanics  MU5MES05 Jussieu/ENPC 2 Tuesday 14h-17h English/French
Projet numérique MU5MES06 - 2 - - English/French
Composite Materials MU5MES09 Jussieu 2 Friday 8h30-12h30 English
Stability of structures MU5MES10 Jussieu 2 Monday 14h-17h English
Image-based experimental analysis of materials and structures MU5MES26 Jussieu 1 Wednesday 9h-12h English
Phase transformations in solids MU5MES27 ENPC 2 Wednesday 9h-12h English
Microscopic nature of dissipation MU5MES25 Jussieu 2 Wednesday 14h-17h English
Vortex Dynamics MU5MEF06 Jussieu 2 Monday 14h-18h English
Aeroelasticity MU5MEF10 Jussieu 1 Friday 13h45-18h English
Numerical methods for fluid mechanics MU5MEF16 Jussieu 1     English
Optimisation en aerodynamique MU5MEF39 Jussieu 2 Friday 13h45-17h45 English/French
Dynamique de la turbulence MU5MEF03 Jussieu 1 Wednesday 10h45-12h45 and 14h-15h45 French
Modèles de turbulence MU5MEF01 Jussieu 2 Monday 8h30-12h30 English/French
Aérodynamique fondamentale MU5MEF08 ENSAM 1 Tuesday/Thursday 8h-10h French
Méthode num-écoulements compressibles MU5MEF09 ENSAM 1 Tuesday/Thursday 10h-12h French
Instabilite écoulements compressibles MU5MEF12 ENSAM 2 Tuesday/Thursday 14h-16h French
Simulation numérique haute fidélité pour les écoulements turbulents MU5MEF13 ENSAM 2 Tuesday/Thursday 8h-10h French
Milieux poreux et suspensions MU5MEF23 Jussieu 2 Wednesday 8h45-12h45 French
Multiscale hydrodynamic phenomena MU5MEF15 Jussieu        
Introduction to hydrodynamic instabilities MU5MEF19 IPP        
Instabilities and control of shear flows MU5MEF20 IPP        
Current topics in fluid mechanics 1 MU5MEF41 Jussieu        

The program CompMech at Sorbonne Université mainly consists on fundamental courses from Fluids and Solids Sciences pour l'Ingénieur Masters. After the first year, students can choose to continue in the Computational Mechanics Master or to integrate either the fluids (MF2A) or solids (MSGC) mechanics programs. The credits in the first year will be selected to secure all the prerequisites for both MF2A and MSGC programs.

This version of the Computational Mechanics program does not include a double-degree agreement. However, we highly encourage motivated students to participate to Erasmus exchange program with other universities during the second semester of first year of the master.

 During the first year the class will be in French language.  During the second year, student can complete their learning agreement with classes taught in English. 

The proposed courses and credits are :




Semester 1          (sept-jan)


Continuum mechanics


Mechanical vibrations and waves


Numerical methods and signal processing


Finite element structural analysis: statics and dynamics


Hydrodynamique à Petits et Grands nombres de Reynolds (70 Ko)




Semester 2           (jan-may)


Aerodynamics and aeronautics


Introduction to hydrodynamic instabilities


Slender structures


Composite Structures




English/French Language



Semester 3            (sept-feb)





Courses from Solid Mechanics 


Courses from Fluid Mechanics


Free choices











Semester 4




English/French Language

This double degree program is in partenship with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at La Sapienza (Rome, Italy). It will include each year a maximum of six (6) students from Sorbonne and six (6) students from La Sapienza. Upon successful completion of the Double Degree requirements (120 ECTS), two separate diplomas are conferred to the student according to the local regulations:

  • The degree from the Sorbonne Université: “Master Des Sciences Et Technologies, mention Sciences Pour L’ingénieur, Spécialité Computational Mechanics”.
  • The diploma from the Sapienza - University of Rome: “Laurea Magistrale” in Ingegneria Meccanica.

The program is organised as follow:

  • First semester (first year) in Paris 
  • Second semester (first year) in Rome, with La Sapienza students
  • Third semester (second year) in Paris with incoming La Sapienza students
  • Fourth semester (second year) internship.

A detailed list of courses and credits is provided below :

1st Year



1st Semester






Continuum Mechanics



Mechanical Vibrations & Waves



Numerical Methods and Signal Processing



Finite element structural analysis: statics and dynamics



Hydrodynamique à Petits et Grands nombres de Reynolds



2nd Semester



Fluid-structure Interaction



Advanced Methods in Mechanical Design



Measurements for mechanical systems and industry



Smart Structures






2nd Year



1st Semester



Courses from Solid Mechanics



Courses from Fluid Mechanics



Free choices




2nd Semester



English/French Language






This double degree program is in partnership with the MOX department of Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy) ( It will include each year a maximum of two (2) students from Sorbonne and two (2) students from Milano. It is reserved for students with high skills in mathematics, numerics and solid and fluid media.

Upon successful completion of the Double Degree requirements (150 ECTS), two separate diplomas are conferred to the student according to the local regulations:

  • The degree from the Sorbonne Université: “Master Des Sciences Et Technologies, mention Sciences Pour L’ingénieur, Spécialité Computational Mechanics”.
  • The diploma from the Politecnico di Milano -“Laurea Magistrale” in Ingegneria Matematica.

Master outcomes

The students will evolve in a stimulating international environment. At the end of the Master, graduates will be able to evolve in English-speaking research and engineering teams of international level. They will be able to analyse scientific papers in the general area of continuous mechanics, to evaluate the relevance of the various approximations needed to solve a problem, to implement efficient numerical discretisation and solution techniques using modern open-source software for High Performance Computing, and to use them to solve complex problems in fluid and solid mechanics.


Responsable du parcours (M2)


Responsable du parcours (M1)

José-Maria FULLANA

Secrétariat pédagogique

Vanessa Texeira 

4 place Jussieu - Case courrier 164 - Bâtiment l'Esclangon 2ème étage Bureau 233