Covering all major fields of chemistry, our research projects range from fundamental studies to applications aimed at addressing societal issues. The systems developed or studied concern the fields of health, the environment, energy and nanotechnology.
Our research activities in chemistry maintain strong links with the other disciplinary fields developed in our insitution, such as physics, mathematics, biology and medicine, contributing to cross-sector approaches aimed at addressing scientific, technological and societal changes.
From interactions at different scales in matter to the vast interstellar environment, the development of modern methods of synthesis allowed the development of original research objects at the crossroads of several discipline. These approaches to chemistry are respectful of the environment. They are based on theoretical modelling and involve the development of new physico-chemical characterisation methods (spectroscopic or electrochemical for example).
Ou research units investigate a large number of subjects. They are supported by a network of experimental, unique and inovative resources at the forefront of technological innovation, thus enabling the extraction of useful information from ever more complex systems.

Research Units | Chemistry |
Chimie du solide et de l'énergie CSE |
Laboratoire interfaces et systèmes électrochimiques LISE |
Institut parisien de chimie moléculaire IPCM |
Laboratoire de physique théorique de la matière condensée LPTMC |
Laboratoire d'archéologie moléculaire et structurale LAMS |
Laboratoire de réactivité de surface |
Laboratoire des biomolécules LBM |
De la molécule aux nanos-objets : réactivité, interactions et spectroscopies |
Laboratoire de chimie de la matière condensée de Paris LCMCP |
Processus d'activation sélectif par transfert d'énergie uni-électronique ou radiatif |
Laboratoire de chimie théorique LCT |
Physico-chimie Curie |
Laboratoire de chimie des processus biologiques LCPB |
Physicochimie des électrolytes et nanosystèmes interfaciaux |
Laboratoire de chimie physique-matière et rayonnement LCP-MR |
Sciences et ingénierie de la matière molle SIMM |
Building Blocks for Future Electronics Laboratory 2B-FUEL |
Research Federations Supporting the Activities of Our Research Units
- Chimie moléculaire de Paris-Centre : organique, inorganique et biologique (CMPC)
- Fédération de physico-chimie analytique et biologique (PCAB)
- Institut des matériaux de Paris-Centre (IMPC)
- Institut parisien de chimie physique et théorique (IP2CT)
- Plasmas à Paris (PLAS@PAR)