Vision & Values
The Faculty of Science and Engineering has set itself four priorities: training in and through research, supporting the core disciplines, making its influence felt through interdisciplinarity and partnerships with businesses and encouraging the emergence of new approaches to knowledge.
Our team
Office of the dean (information available in French)
Faculty Council (information available in French)
A Directorate-general, five divisions and two services:
- Education, Career Guidance & Student Life Division
- Research & Development Division
- Finance Division
- Human Resources Division
- Logistics & Maintenance Division
- It services
- Health services (nurse infirmary)
>> Find out more (information available in French)
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
We are committed to providing an educational, working and living environment free from any types of discrimination and/or harassment by implementing a culture of equality in our community.
We value diversity on our campuses and we are dedicated to providing a learning and working environment respectful of the undeniable right to individual learning and working fulfillment for all, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion and beliefs, disability, social or family situation.
We are also particularly dedicated to acknowledging and valuing the contributions of women to the advancement of science and we place prime importance on promoting women’s decision-making and initiative power. By encouraging female students to engage in the more masculinised disciplines of science such as engineering, mathematics and physics, we resist and work against society's long-rooted stereotypes that unfortunately affect the education of younger generations from an early age.