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Laboratoire pour l'utilisation des lasers intenses | LULI

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Publications sur HAL - Archive ouverte

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  • Pré-publication, Document de travail

Compton photons at the GeV scale from self-aligned collisions with a plasma mirror

Aimé Matheron, Jean-Raphaël Marquès, Vincent Lelasseux, Yinren Shou, Igor A Andriyash, Vanessa Ling Jen Phung, Yohann Ayoul, Audrey Beluze, Ioan Dăncuş, Fabien Dorchies, Flanish d'Souza, Mathieu Dumergue, Mickaël Frotin, Julien Gautier, Fabrice Gobert, Marius Gugiu, Santhosh Krishnamurthy, Ivan Kargapolov, Eyal Kroupp, Livia Lancia, Alexandru Lazăr, Adrien Leblanc, Mohamed Lo, Damien Mataja, François Mathieu, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Pablo San Miguel Claveria, Kim Ta Phuoc, Anda-Maria Talposi, Sheroy Tata, Călin A Ur, Daniel Ursescu, Lidia Văsescu, Domenico Doria, Victor Malka, Petru Ghenuche, Sebastien Corde

With today's multi-petawatt lasers, testing quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the strong field regime, where the electric field exceeds the Schwinger critical field in the rest frame of an electron, becomes within reach. Inverse Compton scattering of an intense laser pulse off a high-energy…

2025. ⟨hal-04903175⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Stimulated Brillouin scattering dependence on polarization state, speckle shape, and polarization smoothing implementation

J G Moreau, N. Blanchot, C. Rousseaux, S D Baton, D. Penninckx, A. Fusaro, P. Loiseau, R. Collin, G. Riazuelo, P.-E. Masson-Laborde, J P Zou, L. Lancia, C. Rouyer, C. Maunier, X. Ribeyre, H. Coic, O. Selwa, J. Daurios, J. Neauport

Laser beam smoothing is a key element to enhance laser plasma hydrodynamic coupling in the context of high energy density physics experiments carried out in Inertial Confinement Fusion Facilities. Here, we experimentally study the effects of different polarization smoothing implementations on the…

Physics of Plasmas, 2025, 32 (3), pp.032102. ⟨10.1063/5.0238070⟩. ⟨hal-04974827⟩