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Séminaire CulturChem | Bélen Albela "Mesoporous Solids: Innovative Materials with Multiple Applications"

  • Le 07 fév. 2022

  • 11:00 - 12:30
  • Séminaire
  • Sorbonne Université campus Pierre et Marie Curie
    Bâtiment Esclangon amphi Astier
    (Masque obligatoire)

Mme Belén Albela (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
 présentera un séminaire dans le cadre des conférences CulturChem

intitulé "Mesoporous Solids: Innovative Materials with Multiple Applications"

Abstract: Inorganic mesostructured porous solids, discovered by Mobil Company in 1992, offer multiple applications in domains such as depollution, catalysis and medicine. Indeed, the combination of well-defined porosity (pore diameter ~ 2-10 nm), high specific surface (1000 m2/g) and high thermal and mechanical stability makes them ideal supports for the design of heterogeneous catalysts, depollution systems and drug nano-carriers. Our strategy consists in designing metal active sites supported on mesostructured silica using metalloenzymes as models. The functionalization of the support is a key parameter to tune its activity. The challenge is to obtain single active sites homogeneously distributed in the solid in order to correlate structure and activity. In addition, the pore affords confinement as in the hydrophobic matrix of the enzyme. This approach has been applied to prepare manganese hybrid materials with potential applications in antioxidant therapies.