• Recherche

Séminaire Culturchem | Gilles Berger "Metal-based anticancer therapeutics: Short stories"

  • Le 14 Mar. 2022

  • 11:00 - 12:30
  • Séminaire
  • Sorbonne Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
    Amphi Astier Bâtiment Esclangon

Dans le cadre des séminaires CulturChem de l'ED406

Gilles Berger (Unité de recherche en Microbiologie, Chimie bioorganique et macromoléculaire (MCBM) Université libre de Bruxelles)
présentera une conférence intitulée
"Metal-based anticancer therapeutics: Shorts stories

Abstract. Metal drugs such as gold, mercury and arsenic compounds belong to some of the most ancient remedies knows to humans and can be traced back to ancient Egyptians, Greek and Chinese civilizations, but are also in extensive use in modern societies. Metal complexes and bioinorganic chemistry (re)gained widespread interest with the discovery of cisplatin, one of the first successful anticancer drugs to hit the clinics. Although extremely useful in today’s arsenal against cancer, current platinum drugs are associated with severe drawbacks, such as resistance to treatment and toxic effects that limit their use and efficacy. The discovery and development of metal-based chemotherapeutic agents with new mechanisms of action or innovative delivery systems are thus still important goals in cancer research. I will highlight my young journey in the field, focusing on the development of new metal complexes that may be active against cisplatin-resistant cancers and/or have fewer dose-limiting side effects. These will comprise diastereoselective platinum(II) cytotoxic complexes, high valent osmium(VI) nitrido compounds, self-assembling osmium and ruthenium nanosystems, and the viral encapsulation of a monovalent platinum(II) complex.