• Recherche

Séminaire IPCM | Richmond Sarpong "Break-it-to-Make-it strategies ofr chemical synthesis..."

  • Le 15 juin. 2023

  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • Séminaire
  • Sorbonne Université - Campus P. et M. Curie
    Amphi 25

Séminaire "Ambassadeurs des Sciences Chimiques en France de l'Institut de chimie du CNRS"
"Break-it-to-Make-it Strategies for Chemical Synthesis Inspired by Complex Natural Products"
"Stratégies Break-it-to-Make it pour la synthèse chimique inspirées de produits naturels complexes"
Présenté par

Richmond Sarpong
Professeur invité

Affectation University of California–Berkeley, Dept. of Chemistry (USA)

Natural products continue to inspire and serve as the basis of new medicines. They also provide intricate problems that expose limitations in the strategies and methods employed in chemical synthesis. Several strategies and methods that have been developed in our laboratory and applied to the syntheses of architecturally complex natural products will be discussed. In particular, new ways to employ the cleavage of core bonds such as C–C and  C–N bonds (i.e., break-it-to-make-it strategies) to achieve skeletal editing will be presented.

Contact IPCM Louis Fensterbank