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Séminaire IPCM | Timothy Noël "From Batch to Flow: Chemistry through Technological Innovation"

  • Le 06 Juil. 2023

  • 11:00 - 12:00
  • Séminaire
  • Sorbonne-Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
    UFR de Chimie, Tour 32-42, salle 101

Séminaire Personnalité invitée
"From Batch to Flow: Advancing Synthetic Organic Chemistry through Technological Innovation"
Présenté par

Timothy Noël
E-mail: t.noel@uva.nl


University of Amsterdam, Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, Flow Chemistry Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The world of synthetic organic chemistry has made significant strides in discovering new medicines, materials, and fine chemicals. However, there is a major aspect that has been overlooked for years - the reactor itself. In this talk, we will explore the potential of flow chemistry to advance synthetic organic chemistry through technological innovation.
By harnessing the power of flow chemistry, chemists can unlock unique reactivity and selectivity, enabling them to push the boundaries of what is possible.[1] Not only does flow chemistry make new synthetic routes achievable, it can fast-track them from the lab to large scale production.[2]
At our research group, we are committed to advancing the field by developing automated and flow-based reaction technologies that reduce manual labor, increase reproducibility, and accelerate reaction discovery. Our focus on flow chemistry has led to exciting developments in methodological advancements, including photocatalysis, fluorine chemistry, and bioconjugation chemistry.
In this talk, we aim to showcase the potential of flow chemistry and how it can team up with methodological development to take synthetic organic chemistry to the next level. We will highlight the perks of flow chemistry, from improving reaction efficiency to enabling the discovery of new chemical reactions. Our ultimate goal is to inspire chemists to adopt this innovative technology and unlock new possibilities for synthetic organic chemistry.
[1] Capaldo, L.; Wen, Z. and Noël, T. A field guide to flow chemistry for synthetic organic chemists. Chem.l Sci., 2023,
DOI: 10.1039/D3SC00992K.
[2] D.A. Zondag, S.; Mazzarella, D. and Noël, T. Scale-Up of Photochemical Reactions: Transitioning from Lab Scale to Industrial Production. Annu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng., 2023, 14. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-101121-074313
Contact IPCM Matthieu Sollogoub