• Recherche

Séminaire LCMCP | Sylvie Tambutté "La biominéralisation chez les coraux"

  • Le 16 Sep. 2022

  • 10:30 - 11:30
  • Séminaire
  • Sorbonne-Université, campus Pierre et Marie Curie
    Bâtiment Esclangon, Amphi Astier

Le LCMCP, vous convie à un séminaire présenté par

Le Dr. Sylvie Tambutté (Centre Scientifique de Monaco)


"Biomineralization in corals"
"La biominéralisation chez les coraux"

The coral skeleton is a biomineral composed of CaCO3 and organic molecules. Recent data show that skeleton formation occurs through both the attachment of amorphous CaCO3 particles and ion-by-ion growth. Such processes involve intracellular and extracellular steps controlled by the animal. My team studies the mechanistic aspects of  this control by the coral. Using the tropical coral Stylophora pistillata as an example, I will present the approaches we develop and the results we obtained at the molecular, cellular and physiological levels. I will discuss the composition of the privileged spaces of calcification: the cytoplasmic vesicles and the extracellular calcification medium. I will also address how ions and molecules are supplied to these privileged spaces, considering the transcellular, paracellular, and vesicular pathways and integrate our results to the current model of coral calcification.

Venez nombreux !