• Recherche

Soutenance d'HDR | Florence Volatron "Manipulating molecules and molecular materials at the nanometric scale : toward molecular and spin electronics"

  • Le 08 Juil. 2022

  • 13:30 - 17:00
  • Concours
  • Sorbonne-Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
    Amphithéâtre Charpak
    (Niveau Saint-Bernard au pied de la tour 22)
    La soutenance sera suivie d'un pot à la sortie
    de l'amphi.


Florence Volatron (MdC) à l’IPCM
vous invite à sa soutenance d’ habilitation à diriger des recherches intitulée

"Manipulating molecules and molecular materials at the nanometric scale : toward molecular and spin electronics"

Molecules and molecular materials possess intrinsic properties and versatility that give the possibility to consider emergent devices in a wide range of applications. During its presentation, Florence Volatron will present some of her work related to the study of molecular and molecular materials in nanoelectronics : synthesis of nanoparticles of cyanide-bridged coordination networks, engineering of ferromagnetic substrates with metal-organic frameworks, assemblies of polyoxometalates and nanoparticles, controlled layers of polyoxometalates on solid substrates. She will show how her acquired skills in nanochemistry, molecular magnetism and spintronics, and polyoxometalates shaping, have led her to propose a new project to be developed in her group, dedicated to the qualification of polyoxometalates in molecular spintronics, at three scales : macroscopic, nanoscopic and single molecule scale.

Venez nombreux