• Recherche

Soutenance d'HDR Yanling Li | IPCM

  • Le 08 Sep. 2022

  • 13:30 - 17:00
  • Concours
  • Sorbonne-Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
    UFR de chimie, tour 32-42, salle 101

HDR de YanLing Li (IPCM)

La soutenance d'habilitation à dirigée les Recherches
de Mme YanLing Li ingénieur de recherche CNRS (IPCM)

"Molecular Nano-magnets and molecular switches – towards piezo-switchable systems"

se déroulera ce 8 septembre à partir de 13h30 salle 101 de l'UFR de chimie

Summary: Three categories of molecular magnetic materials have been investigated by magnetic measurements and by EPR spectroscopy: molecular nano-magnets including single-molecular magnets (SMMs) and single-ion magnets (SIMs), spin-crossover complexes of Fe(II) and bi-stable molecular analogues of Prussian Blue (mPBAs).

Bi-stable mPBAs are a recent family of molecular switches which undergoes Electron-Transfer-Coupled Spin Transition (ETCST) under an external stimulus, such as temperature, pressure or light… The ETCST behaviors of FeCo mPBAs have been examined using the three stimuli, especially the pressure, which is very rarely used for this type of molecular switches in the literature.