Parcours NCC
The Master's Track in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience is one of the six tracks of M2 BIP-Neurosciences. This track focuses on the field of cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. Through a multidisciplinary approach, it will provide in-depth knowledge of the main methods (experimental cognitive psychology; neuropsychology; computational neuroscience; brain imaging; genetics) used to study the brain correlates of cognitive processes and behavior in healthy subjects and patients with brain disorders. It will provide specific training in the physiopathology of psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience. The program is designed for students from a variety of backgrounds - life sciences, medical training, engineering, mathematics, computer science - who wish to pursue a career in neuroscience in the public or private sector.
Master NCC
The Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience track provides state-of-the-art training in neuroscience. Students will develop both scientific skills and transferable skills that are important for careers outside the neurosciences:
- Theoretical understanding of the fields of cognitive and behavioral neuroscience
- Design and execution of scientific experiments in cognitive neuroscience
- Data management and analysis
- Critical reading of scientific literature
- Working in a team to advance research goals
- Scientific writing
- Presentation skills
- Project management
- Creativity
Specifically, the Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Track provides in-depth training in the brain correlates of major cognitive processes (e.g., decision-making; social-cognitive processes; emotion) and their role in major psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
Applications will be open on the e-candidat platform.
Please check the prerequisites for enrolment in our M2 program on the Master of Neuroscience page.
The M2S3 is organized as followed:
- Developing your Masters' research project (6ECTS) throughout semester
- Main track-specific courses (18ECTS). Several possibilities apply, as presented below:
- One course upon application (see below) + one or 2 courses from either block 1,2 or 3
- One course from each block (1, 2 and 3)
- Specialized short courses (6ECTS)
- 2 courses to choose from, each in one of the 2 series of Specialized Short Courses (MU5BIN16/MU5BIN17)
Developing your Masters' research project (6ECTS) throughout semester
Students will begin to work on the research project that they will complete during their laboratory internship; this is the module “Developing your Masters research project”. With the help of their internship supervisors, students describe, in a short-written document and during oral presentation, the design, the feasibility and the expected results of their experimental plan to answer the scientific question they will address during their lab internship.
Course upon application:
MU5BIN15 : ICM course: Brain to Market summer school
Applications for this course must be submitted via e-candidat and will only be considered if accompanied by a letter of motivation.
Main track-specific courses:
- Block 1 : MU5BIN11 : Social brain and emotion
- Block 2 : MU5BIN13: Neurobiologie des troubles psychiatriques
- Block 3 : MU5BIN12: Bases cérébrales des fonctions cognitives
It is possible to replace one of these tracks specific courses with an UE from another track. See NCI page.
Specialized short courses:
- Series 1 (MU5BIN16; 3ECTS)
- Spatial Navigation and Memory (English)
- Hippocampus: from cells to physiology and human pathology (English)
- Molecular neuropharmacology (English)
- Cerveau hormonal et comportement
- Imagerie cérébrale
- Modelisation Biophysique en Neurosciences Computationnelles
- Olfaction: approches multidisciplinaires en neurosciences
- Series 2 (MU5BIN17; 3ECTS)
- Cerebellum : From Cells and Circuits to Motor and Cognitive Behaviors (English)
- New Methods for Behavioral & Cognitive Explorations: Applications to Neurodegenerative diseases (English)
- Neuron-Glia Interactions (English)
- Neuro-psychiatry genetics (English)
- Pharmacological approaches in Neurosciences (English)
- Rythmes thalamo-corticaux du sommeil et de l'epilepsie-absence : des canaux ioniques à la magnétoencéphalographie
- Modèles animaux en neurosciences comportementales : de l'insecte aux primates
- Lab internship, Master’s thesis (30ECTS)
The aim of the research internship is to immerse yourself in a professional research environment where you can apply your academic knowledge to real-world scientific inquiries. This experience will allow you to develop critical research skills, including experimental design, data production and analysis, and scientific communication. Additionally, the internship fosters autonomy, problem-solving, and teamwork, while preparing you for advanced careers in research, industry, or academia. It also provides an opportunity for you to explore potential areas of specialization and to contribute to the broader scientific community through your work.
As part of the M2 program, students are required to complete a lab internship, ideally secured before the start of the third semester (S3). Some labs have already proposed internships, and these opportunities, already validated by the master’s program, will be made available to all students upon enrollment in the M2 track. However, you can also propose your own lab and research topic, which will be submitted to the program directors for approval.
The internship has a maximum duration of six months (5 months minimal period) and can take place either in France or abroad. Depending on the courses followed during your M2S3, you might have a couple of weeks or a month to spend in your hosting lab. This is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in your internship topic and prepare your presentation for “Developing your Masters research project” evaluation.
The final defense of the internship project will take place either in June, for students applying to a Doctoral School, or in early September for all other students.
Track director
Pr Philippe FOSSATI
Office - Secretary
9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05