Parcours Neuro Immuno
The brain is an immune-privileged site where neuro-immune interactions are crucial for cerebral homeostasis. This program emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to foster an integrated understanding of neurobiology and immunology. This neuroimmunology program aims to train specialists capable of addressing the complex challenges of this field by providing a solid foundation for pursuing fundamental research, while also opening up career opportunities in the biomedical industry through the development of immunotherapy.This master program shares commons coursework with BMC master.
Mots-clé : Neuroinflammation- Neuropathologie- système immunitaire- Interaction neuro-immune
Key words: Neuroinflammation-Neuropathology- Immune system- Interaction neuro-immune
The main objectives are:
- Acquisition of Fundamental Knowledge enabling the understanding of neurobiology, immunology, and the mechanisms of interactions between the nervous and immune systems.
- Research Techniques through training in technologies used in neuroimmunology (such as flow cytometry, brain imaging, etc.), as well as data analysis skills.
- Research Competence through internships in the first and second years of the Master's program in neuroimmunology laboratories.
Programme / Courses
Semestre 3 (30 ECTS)
UE Obligatoires / Mandatory courses (12 ECTS)
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Neuroimmunology (Master BMC)
- Autoimmunité et inflammation (Master BMC)
- Immunité aux interfaces (Master BMC, au choix)
- Conférence en Immunologie des systèmes (Master BMC)
UE Transversales / Transversales courses (12 ECTS)
- Breves Med/Sciences (Master BMC)
UE Complémentaires / additionnal ourses (6 ECTS)
- Inflammation 2 (3 ECTS)
- Neurotransmission and signalling in health and disease (6 ECTS)
- Neuron-Glia Interaction (3 ECTS)
- Atelier Analyse de Données en Immuno (Master BMC-3 ECTS)
Semestre 4 (30 ECTS)
Laboratory internship (30 ECTS)
An internship of 6 months in a research laboratory on neuroimmunology will be done during the second semester.
Mélanie Morin-Brureau
Bertrand Bellier
Véronique de Surirey
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1ere Etage - Porte 105
+33 (0)1 44 27 23 81
9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05