Parcours International DIGIT

The DIGIT International program aims to open our master degree to outstanding international students by offering an opening to the thematics of the SU Computer Science master degree: bioinformatics, computer network, image processing, quantum information, security and reliability, etc.

All the courses proposed in the DIGIT International program are available for ERASMUS+ students.

Parcours International DIGIT


French public institutions and the Erasmus+ program offer numerous scholarships to foreign students to help them finance their studies in France and in Europe. You must consult the campusfrance site for this. In addition, for accepted students with outstanding results, few local incoming mobility grant may also be awarded from Sorbonne University.

Each student of the DIGIT program will have the opportunity to build their own curriculum by choosing a subset of teaching unit (UE) consistent among the proposed courses in English or those that are likely to be taught in English in the case of non-francophone students choose them. Project (6 ECTS) or extended projects (12 ECTS) in the first three semesters (from S1 to S3) may exceptionally provide students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in one or more topics among those whose number of courses proposed in English is limited or nonexistent . These courses will use a reverse learning process and learning by example. They will be part of a challenge for our training meeting two objectives: educational innovation and internationalization.


Who can apply: Bachelor’s holders in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Information Systems with honors. Students should have competence in mathematics, theoretical foundations of computer science, algorithms and computer architectures.

How much does it cost: Tuition fees for the academic year 2021/22 (should be similar in 2022/2023)

  • For French and European students (nationals of a member country of the European Union, the European Economic Area, Andorra or Switzerland), students who are residents of Quebec or international students who hold a long-term residence card : Tuition charges will be €243 per year.
  • For non EU-students, you will be required to pay differentiated registration fees. The total registration fee that you will be required to pay will be €3,770 per year. In recent years, Sorbonne Université has compensated for the differentiated cost but this has not yet been decided for the next academic year.
  • No tuition fees, whether differentiated or not for…
    • Students who come to study in France as part of a partnership agreement between universities that provides for total exemption from enrolment fees (like the Erasmus+ exchange programme in particular)
    • Students who have been awarded a French government grant (BGF)
    • Students who have been awarded a grant from their host institution, providing for total exemption from enrolment fees.
  • Partial or total exemption for Non-EU students who have been granted full or partial exemption from tuition fees by their host institution in France or by the French embassy in their home country.

When and where to apply:

  •  European students (nationals of a member country of the European Union, the European Economic Area, Andorra or Switzerland) have to apply from  April to June on the Sorbonne University eCandidat procedure. Warning: to finalize your eCandidat application, you must go through the additional Candyweb procedure, specific to the Master of Computer Science. This additional procedure is explained and accessible from your eCandidate file, with the "Pieces justificatives".
  • Foreign students residing in one of the countries affected by the "Etudes en France" procedure (check the list here) have to apply on the web site from October to December (check on your local delegation). Please select “Sorbonne Université” > “Taught in English” > “Master indifférencié” > ”Computer Science” > “Master of Computer Science - DIGIT: International program”.


Courses in English (subject to availability)

  • ARCHI: Processor Architecture, 6 ECTS, this course focus on processor architecture and optimizations. It use MIPS to illustrate the following concepts: pipeline, superscalar, memory hierarchy and code optimization.
  • BIMA: Fundamentals of image processing, 6 ECTS, this course include Fourier analysis, acquisition and theory of sampling, filtering and denoising, edge detection, segmentation. Applications are given on a few concrete problems (key-point detection, face recognition...), with practical works.
  • COMNET: Computer Networking , 6 ECTS. This course focuses on core network applications requested by users and services needed at the network level. The TCP/IP architecture and all the main associated protocols are detailed with particular emphasis on multimedia applications, end-to-end control mechanisms and routing hierarchy.
  • DIGCOM: Digital communication, 6 ECTS, this course provide the tools that are necessary for analyzing, modeling and designing digital transmission systems. The first part of the course focuses on the necessary bases in deterministic and random signal processing. The rest of the course shows their application to the physical layer of communications systems: architecture of a digital transmission chain, models and performance evaluation.”
  • MODEL, 6 ECTS, Mathematical algorithms play a central role in many fields of computing, whether it is to secure the transmission and/or exchange of data (by cryptography), to analyze large masses of data, or to optimize criteria under possible constraints. The underlying algorithms share paradigms and computational schemes pertaining to algebra and mathematical analysis. Also, the concepts of complexity (binary or arithmetic), and digital conditioning hold an essential place.
  • PPAR, 6 ECTS, Large-scale computations require both a massive amount of computing hardware, which is thus necessarily parallel, and programmers with a specific training to exploit it.  This course introduces students to the industry-standard tools and techniques  used in High-Performance Computing using the C programming language. It presents message-passing programming of computer clusters using MPI libraries, multi-thread programming of multi-core CPUs using OpenMP and vectorization (the exploitation of SIMD instructions in contemporary CPUs). In addition, the courses discusses algorithmic issues in parallel programming (how to do THAT in parallel?), how low-level hardware issues(cache, paging, branch prediction, ...) affect  performance and to to maneuver around them. Finally, the course presents performance models as well as techniques to understand and anticipate the running-time of actual parallel programs.
  • PROGRES: Network Programming - 3 ECTS. The objectives of teaching network programming are to know how to write simple programs, in relation to computer networks; approach the various usual tasks in a professional environment and understand the underlying mechanisms; and finally know how to effectively use high level libraries.
  • QCLG: Quantum circuits and logic gates, 3 ECTS, Quantum circuits are a common language in quantum information, blending insights and techniques from both computer science and physics. Single and two qubit gates, as well as Toffoli gates and some small circuits. Students from both backgrounds are paired to work together in tutorials and hand on sessions with digital tools to manipulate quantum circuits.
  • QPh4CS: Quantum physics for computer scientists, 9 ECTS, Quantum cinematics needed to understand theoretical quantum information (Hilbert spaces in physicists notations, unitary transformations, projective measurements and POVMs, density matrices and partial traces). Quantum dynamics (Hamiltonian, evolution operator, dissipation). Link with some quantum information physical implementations (cold atoms, photonics). The focus will be on finite dimensional systems.
  • ARCHI2: Architecture of Multiprocessor Systems, 6 ECTS, this course introduces the notions of cache and memory consistency, peripheral access, task synchronization in a shared application.
  • ANum, 3ECTS, This unit is the natural continuation of  MODEL. Provide the knowledge in mathematical tools and algorithms in order to be able to solve concrete problems of large sizes. We will study in particular algorithms and their implementation frequently used in the field of scientific computing and data science. The applications will be very diverse and may change each year: for example, we will see applications in finance (calculation of the price of options), in simulation of structures for 3D printing, in imagery (image compression), in deep learning (stochastic gradient algorithm), etc. We will endeavor for each algorithm to propose versions allowing an efficient implementation on parallel machines. The algorithms will be coded in MATLAB or in Python.
  • CLOUD: Cloud Computing, 6 ECTS. Introduction to cloud computing principal, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Plateform as a Service), and Saas (Software as a Service), cloud computing architectures, cloud providers, etc. Classical Distributed Algorithms applied to Clouds: Logical Time in distributed systems (logical clocks); Resource allocation and mutual exclusion; Broadcast protocols, membership, and synchronous view. Failures and fault tolerance: Unreliable Failure Detectors; Checkpoint and global state in distributed systems. Introduction to MPI and implementation of the above distributed algorithms in MPI. Courses with practical experiments: Virtualisation (Virtual machines and containers); Amazon Cloud (Concepts and deployment); Open Stack free open source (Deployment of Cloud Computing Service Infrastructure); Map Reduce (Programming model and an associated implementation).
  • FLAG: Basics of Algebraic Algorithms, 6 ECTS, This course present algebraic algorithms for basic and building blocks problems, targeting quasi-optimal complexity. To do so, we shall rely on linear algebra modeling of the problem. However, we shall show that this modeling yields a linear system with a structure that can actually be solved faster than general algorithms allow us to. These problems find applications in computer algebra, cryptography, coding theory or robotics. A thorough implementation of these algorithms will also be studied.
  • IG3D: Introduction to Computer Graphics, 6 ECTS,This course introduces the domain of 3D computer graphics, including geometric modeling and processing, image synthesis, with implementation in OpenGL and C/C++.
  • QIIntro: Quantum information overview, 6 ECTS, The objective is to give the student a broad overview of theoretical quantum information, including fundamental concepts (entanglement, teleportation, nonlocality, decoherence), quantum communication protocol (teleportation, quantum key distribution), quantum algorithms (Shor, Grover and VQE) and some notions of quantum error correction.
  • SDM: System Design and Modeling, 6 ECTS, Introduction to the problem of modeling and performance evaluation of systems. It aims at answering the following questions: Why models are important? When do we need to evaluate the performance of a system? How? What kinds of models and techniques are useful?
  • WIMOB: Wireless and Mobile Computing, 6 ECTS. The main objective of this course is to present how user mobility and wireless transmissions affect computer communications. The course first gives a basic understanding of the physical layer mechanisms. It presents the impact of wireless signal propagation, link budget, digital communications with an illustration based on spread spectrum technologies. It then presents a survey on existing wireless technologies with a strong emphasis on the Wi-Fi standard. Finally, this course details the impact of mobility on IP protocols, the benefits and limitations of the main proposals, as well as the constraints of data losses on existing transport protocols.
  • ANET: Autonomic Networks, 6 ECTS, main scientific and technological issues of autonomous and ubiquitous networks. Principles, techniques, and examples related to the design of such networks are introduced, sometimes through similarities and differences with classical networks.  Various aspects of self-* attributes are discussed, such as self-stabilization, self-configuration, self-organization, self-management, self-optimization, self-adaptiveness, etc.  Passive mobility and proactive mobility are addressed and applied to sensor networks, swarms of robots, MANET, and VANET.
  • AQAlg: Advanced Quantum Algorithms, 6 ECTS, Shor algorithms, Quantum Fourier Transform, phase estimations and applications, quantum random walks , query complexity (algorithms, lower bounds), HHL algorithm and machine learning applications, hidden subgroup algorithms.
  • AQCrypt: Advanced Quantum Cryptography, 6 ECTS, the use of quantum states has many cryptographic applications. This course includes advanced quantum key distribution (various technologies and protocols, security proofs, practical problems, full and semi-device independence), but also other cryptographic protocols (bit commitment, oblivious transfer in the noisy storage model, secret sharing, verification
  • BIOMED: Biomedical Imaging, 6 ECTS, this course presents the main acquisition techniques both in medical imaging and in biological imaging. It also details a few applications, such as registration, segmentation, shape modeling, mammography, cardiovascular imaging, biological particle tracking, etc.
  • CELL: Cellular Networks, 6 ECTS, this course presents network architecture and protocols of 2G-GSM, 3G-UMTS, 4G-LTE networks and the upcoming 5G technologies such as C-RAN, Mobile Edge Computing, SDN-NFV and network slicing. The course explains problems in both access network and core network of a mobile network operator and provides basic techniques for performance analysis, resource allocation, network dimensioning and optimization.
  • DAAR: Development of Algorithms for Reticular Application , 6 ECTS,  We address both theoretical and implementation aspects of usual, non-trivial algorithms for web/mobile applications. Topics ranges from search engine algorithms to the analysis of stream data. We will first study the structural foundations of these algorithms; then, a special effort will be put in confronting them to a practical app implementing project using modern Web and Mobile frameworks such as django, elastic, solidity, splunk, docker, spring, node, vue ...
  • GAN: Graphs and Networks, 6 ECTS, Graphs are versatile mathematical tools to represent networks in general and computer networks in particular. This course explores these representations of network data.
    The "Graphs" part of the course is dedicated to the mining of graphs in general. We suppose that we already have a graph representing a network and present mining techniques to characterize its structure: paths, communities, robustness... This will help us describe and analyze the functioning of the network in various cases: computer networks, but also other relevant cases such as infrastructure networks or social networks.
    The “Networks” part is a course presenting the measures that can be performed in local networks, access networks and transit networks. It discusses which measures can be performed in the network, transport and application layers, or MAC. The student will learn to perform measurements using active measurement tools and passive measures, with practical exercises deployed on large experimental platforms.
  • IG3DA: Advanced Methods for Computer Graphics, 6 ECTS, this courses presents advanced methods for computer graphics: offline rendering, ray tracing, direct rendering, surface deformations (variational, skeleton-based, cage-based...), spectral analysis of surfaces, fluids simulation.
  • POSSO: Polynomial systems Resolution, 6 ECTS, Polynomial systems model static nonlinear situations. Their resolution is therefore more delicate than the resolution of linear systems, but nevertheless crucial since these systems appear naturally in post-quantum cryptology and various engineering sciences (robotics, biology, chemistry, artificial vision, etc.). In this course, we will study efficient algorithms allowing us to solve such systems and examples of applications will be studied.
  • PhQC: Photonics Quantum Computing, 6 ECTS, Photonics is an essential platform for quantum communications and a promising one for quantum computing. These platforms are centered around measurement based quantum computing (MBQC). We willl study: Graph-states (in continuous and discrete variables), Graph-based cryptographic protocols, MBQC, delegated blind/verified universal quantum computing, photonic graph states implementations.
  • PRAT: Image Seminar and Projects, 6 ECTS, this course presents briefly a few topics not addressed in the other courses, in the form of seminars given by experts of the domain (from either the academy or the industry). It also includes a project done by the students, as an initiation to research work (critical bibliographical review, choice of a method, implementation and tests).
  • QIT: Quantum Information Theory, 6 ECTS, the quantum analogue of Shanon theory and complexity theory are very rich, with many applications: Mathematical foundations and link with programming, quantum Shannon theory (various entropies, super additivity, Holevo theorem); communication complexity, with lower bounds and exponential separations; channel theory; entanglement theory, nonlocal games, information causality; quantum complexity theory, BQP, QMA, QMA(2), QIP=QIP(3)=PSPACE=QPSPACE.
  • RDFIA: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Image Understanding, 6 ECTS, this course presents theory and algorithms for classification and image understanding (Bayesian decision, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, kernel-based methods, deep learning...). Illustrations are provided, on several applications for image classification.
  • TADI: Advanced Methods for Image Analysis, 6 ECTS, this course presents advanced theories of image processing and analysis. The formalisms include continuous, discrete, algebraic, analytical and statistical approaches. The course ranges from mathematical aspects to algorithms, for pre-processing, segmentation, etc. Illustrations are provided in various domains (natural images, medical images, remote sensing images...). The course includes lessons and practical work.
  • VISION: Advanced Methods for Computer Vision, 6 ECTS, this course provides an overview of advanced techniques for computer vision, either 2D or 3D, either static or dynamic. Methods mostly aim at extracting relevant information from the observed scene. The course includes lessons and practical work.

5 to 6 month internship