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Nous avons trouvé 18 résultats pour votre recherche

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Autres prix jeunes chercheurs 2019

… chercheurs 2019 Ella Blair, prix Paris Graduate School of Mathematics (PGSM) Master 2019 Dans le cadre de son master 2 … Ella Blair a obtenu le prix Paris Graduate School of Mathematics (PGSM) Master 2019. Ce prix lui a été décerné …

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Master d'Informatique - Information Quantique (IQ)

… holders in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Mathematics. Students should have competences in mathematics and theoretical foundations of computer science, …

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Parcours Modélisation & Analyse de Données - MAD (Biologie des systèmes)

… objective is to developp multi-skills in biology / mathematics / computer science in order to train students to … objective is to developp multi-skills in biology / mathematics / computer science in order to train students to …

  • Actualité

« Les stéréotypes de genre sont encore tenaces aujourd’hui »

… MC (2010) Cross-national patterns of gender differences in mathematics: A meta-analysis. Psychol Bull 136:103–127 … MC (2010) Cross-national patterns of gender differences in mathematics: A meta-analysis. Psychol Bull 136:103–127 … …

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International Master ‘From fundamental molecular biosciences to biotherapies’ (M1 and M2)

… for Health sciences’ option, a robust academic training in Mathematics, Bioinformatics and/or Computational Biology is … for Health sciences’ option, a robust academic training in Mathematics, Bioinformatics and/or Computational Biology is …

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Parcours Computational Mechanics

… 6 places available) Double degree with PoliMi - Ingegneria Mathematica (max 2 places available)   Overview of the … Milano. It is reserved for students with high skills in mathematics, numerics and solid and fluid media. Upon …

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Parcours International DIGIT

… Systems with honors. Students should have competence in mathematics, theoretical foundations of computer science, … Systems with honors. Students should have competence in mathematics, theoretical foundations of computer science, …

  • Actualité

ERC Advanced 2019

… Française d'Informatique Musicale (AFIM), la  Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music  (SMCM) et son organe, le  Journal of Mathematics and Music  (JMM). Il a aussi été responsable du …

  • Actualité

Le paradoxe de Simpson illustré par des données de vaccination contre le Covid-19

… Université et Francesco Caravenna , Full Professor of Mathematics (Probability and Statistics), University of … Université et Francesco Caravenna , Full Professor of Mathematics (Probability and Statistics), University of …

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M1&M2 - Parcours Bioinformatique & Modélisation (BIM-BMC)

… to students from a background in biology, computer science, mathematics or physics. M2 - Bioinformatique et modélisation … to students from a background in biology, computer science, mathematics or physics Débouchés Les laboratoires et les …