Parcours Neurosciences - NEURO
The Master BIP-Neuroscience program trains students in all fields of neuroscience with:
- more than 38 teaching modules in neuroscience supported by recognized specialists (researchers, teachers/researchers, clinicians, …).
- more than 200 research teams, in France and abroad, regularly involved in our training.
- close collaboration, for teaching and research training, with the 4 Sorbonne University neuroscience institutes (Neuroscience Paris Seine, Paris Brain Institute, Institut de la Vision, Institut du Fer à Moulin), and with the Institut Pasteur and the Ecole Normale Supérieure.
- 3 international training programs in partnership with University College London, University of Vienna, Technical University of Munich, KU Leuven, National Autonomous University of Mexico, and Trinity College Dublin.
- 10 months of internship in internationally-recognized laboratories in France or abroad.
For more information on the Neuroscience track, we recommend that you read the
Keyword: integrated neuroscience - cognitive neuroscience - systems and computational neuroscience - behavior - development - vision - neurodegenerative diseases - psychiatric diseases
Planning des examens M2 neurosciences de janvier 2025
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le planning des examens du parcours M2 neurosciences qui se dérouleront au mois de janvier 2025 :
Planning des examens M2 neurosciences janvier 2025
Attention : ce planning peut être amené à subir des modifications en fonction de l'attribution des salles.
The Neuroscience program extends over 2 years, with the possibility of joining directly in the 2nd year (depending on previous training).
The neurosciences are fundamentally interdisciplinary, and our program is aimed at students from many different backgrounds -- life sciences, medical training, engineering, mathematicians, computer sciences -- planning to pursue a career in neuroscience in the public or private sector.
First year open to : students with a Bachelor's degree in Life Science or Health Science.
Second year open to :
- students who have completed the M1 in neuroscience or related fields.
- M2 students from other fields.
- medical students in “Medecine/Sciences” or “Ecole de l’INSERM” programs.
- medical students performing their “internat”.
- students with a master degree in engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, etc.
Admissions are open from March 28 to June 13 on e-candidat.
Medical interns are invited to familiarize themselves with the following informations prior to their application : here
Medical interns are invited to familiarize themselves with the following informations prior to their application : here
The admissions committee requires a document attesting to your enrollment in your university's combined Medical and Scientific training program, and also an official confirmation that the program confers the M1 level.
Please also attach a transcript of marks with the titles of the UEs you have followed through the Medecine/Science program.
The Neuroscience Master aims to integrate international students into our training program, and teaching in English is part of this initiative.
During the M1 year, because some course modules are shared with other non-Neuroscience teaching tracks, teaching is almost exclusively in French.
During the M2 year, many course modules are taught in English (those with the module title in English), and all lectures can be given in English if non-French students are present. However, all lecturers can answer questions in French, and oral presentations as well as written exams can be completed in either French or English.
The Master BIP–Neuroscience program provides state-of-the-art training in neurosciences. Students will develop both scientific skills and transferable skills important for other professions outside of the neuroscience field:
- Theoretical understanding of different fields within the neurosciences
- Developing and carrying out scientific experimentation in the Neurosciences
- Data management and analysis
- Critical reading of the scientific literature
- Working in a team to advance research goals
- Scientific writing
- Presentation skills
- Project management
- Creativity
First year 1st semester
L'ensemble des UE du M1S1 est listé ici.
First year 2nd semester
3 UE obligatoires / Mandatory courses (12 ECTS)
- MU4BI019 - Integrative neurophysiology (6 ECTS)
- MU4BI018 - Main experimental approaches in neurosciences (6 ECTS)
UE optionnelles / Optional courses (6 ECTS)
- MU4BI021 - Vieillissement cérébral / Brain Ageing (6 ECTS)
- MU4BI033 - Python for physiology modelling (PyPM) (6 ECTS)
UE hors contrat
Stage / Internship (12 ECTS)
Master 2nd Year
General organization

Each student begins to work on the research project that they will complete during their laboratory internship as part of the UE “Developing a research project”. With the help of their internship supervisors, students describe, in a short written document and during an oral presentation, the design and feasibility of their experimental plan to answer the scientific question they will address during their lab internship.
To help students organizing their formation, 5 thematic tracks are proposed. Nevertheless, courses from different tracks can be selected by each student to build a personalized curriculum. Each thematic track is based on suggested fundamental thematic coursework for a total of 18 ECTS
Additional course (6 ECTS) : Expérimentation animale
Main thematic coursework
Upon application
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
MU5BIN04 - Neuronal networks (6 ECTS)
MU5BIN03 - Cellular communications (6 ECTS)
MU5BIN20 - Physiology of perception (6 ECTS)
- Most thematic coursework is taught in 2-week blocks in November and December (compatible with the schedule of medical interns).
- Some limited-enrollment courses (upon application), organized with the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Institut Pasteur and Institut du Cerveau (ICM, Paris Brain Institute), are taught in September and October.
Upon application
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
- Most thematic coursework is taught in 2-week blocks in November and December (compatible with the schedule of medical interns).
- The limited-enrollment course (upon application), organized with the Institut du Cerveau (ICM, Paris Brain Institute), is taught in September.
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Throughout the semester
- Most thematic coursework is taught in 2-week blocks in November and December (compatible with the schedule of medical interns).
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
- Thematic coursework are taught in 2-week blocks in November and December (compatible with the schedule of medical interns.
Upon application
Block 3
Throughout the semester
- Most thematic coursework is taught in 2-week blocks in November and December (compatible with the schedule of medical interns)
- The limited-enrollment course (upon application), organized with the Institut du Cerveau (ICM, Paris Brain Institute), is taught in September.
Specialization coursework
Enrolling in the Tutorat of the nervous system (6 ECTS) replaces any module of MU5BIN16 and MU5BIN17
MU5BIN16 : 7 modules (3 ECTS each) and the tutorat (6 ECTS)
You must choose one module among the list below.
Upon application, some students can replace the modules of both December and January by the tutorat of the nervous system, running troughout the semester or by the Hot Topics for the PIM iMIND students).
- MU5BIN16 Modelisation Biophysique en Neurosciences Computationnelles
- MU5BIN16 Spatial Navigation and Memory (anglais)
- MU5BIN16 Cerveau hormonal et comportement
- MU5BIN16 Hippocampus: from cells to physiology and human pathology (anglais)
- MU5BIN16 Olfaction: approches multidisciplinaires en neurosciences
- MU5BIN16 Molecular neuropharmacology (anglais)
Enrolling in the Tutorat of the nervous system (6 ECTS) replaces any module of MU5BIN17 and MU5BIN16
MU5BIN17 :7 modules (3 ECTS each) and the tutorat (6 ECTS)
You must choose one module among the list below.
Upon application, some students can replace the modules of both December and January by the tutorat of the nervous system, running troughout the semester or by the Hot Topics for the PIM iMIND students).
- MU5BIN17 Cerebellum : From Cells and Circuits to Motor and Cognitive Behaviors (anglais)
- MU5BIN17 Modèles animaux en neurosciences comportementales : de l'insecte aux primates
- MU5BIN17 Neuron-Glia Interactions (anglais)
- MU5BIN17 Neuro-psychiatry genetics (anglais)
- MU5BIN17 Pharmacological approaches in Neurosciences (anglais)
Lecture's schedules & Internship
The 4th semester is dedicated to a six-month internship in a research laboratory. At the of theis internship; the student must write a dissertatio that is defended in front of a jury. The internship may take place in France or abroad.
MU5BIN14 Stage et mémoire de spécialisation en Neurosciences
- Internship in France
The list of internship offers is displayed on the page "Internship offers M2 of this site. If students find an internship in another company or laboratory, they must contact the studies responsible in order to validate it.
Note for interns in medecine:
FAQ Documents stages Internes en Médecine
Internship agreement and pedagogical agreement
Internship agreement non affiliated to SU
Internship agreement affiliated to SU
Pedagogical agreement in French - compulsory
Internship charter - French version - compulsory
- Internship abroad
It si strongly recommended to search for an internship abroad as early as possible. The studies responsibles and/or the international mobility responsibles Pr. Gaël Orieux & Pr. Eric Schwartz have got a list of nothern american and european laboratories/entreprises which have welcomed some of our first/second year students. They could be very hepful eventually. soon.
Start of the year's meeting: September 5th at 2pm in AMPHI A1.
Studies responsible
Thematics responsibles
Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégrées (NCI)
Stephanie Daumas
Richard Belvindrah
Neurosciences Cognitives et Comportementales (NCC)
Neurobiologie des Maladies Psychiatriques (NMP)
Sciences de la Vision (iMOV)
Maladies Neurodegeneratives (iMIND)
Administration office
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1ère étage - Porte 105
9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05