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Nous avons trouvé 66 résultats pour votre recherche

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Computer Networks (RES)

… that covers all the topics necessary to master the techniques and technologies used in current networks and their …

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External Aggregation of Life Sciences - Earth and Universe Sciences

… candidates in option C of the agrégation.   Teaching units (UE) M2-S3 (30 ECTS) UE Synthesis in molecular and cellular biology (9 ECTS) UE

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M1 - First year Masters

… enabling students to take the CLES European certification. UE "Atelier de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire" UE … of the 30 ECTS for the second semester; introductory UEs, which should enable students to apply for a minimum of …

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M2 - Second year Master’s

… in a similar way for all M2 themes, with a specialization UE (12 ECTS) specific to the theme followed, a project UE (6 ECTS) and a scientific analysis UE (6 ECTS), all or …

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Environmental Hydrology-Hydrogeology-Geochemistry course (HHGE)

… microbiology and ecotoxicology. Major environmental issues concern the management of natural water and mineral … focus is placed on current hydrological and geochemical issues such as water resource management, (bio)remediation of …

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Molecular Chemistry (MOL) Program

… its properties to meet challenges in the future. It is a question of imagining and then preparing molecules, whether …

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Chemistry and Life Sciences (CSDV) Program

… The skills of CSDV graduates depend on the combination of UEs they choose. All graduates take most of their UEs from the CSDV program, but some specialization profiles …

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M1 - First-year Master

… knowledge, digital tools and advanced experimental techniques). The choice of subjects and electives gives students …

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Chemical Engineering (IC) program

… The skills of IC graduates depend on the combination of UEs they choose. All graduates take the majority of their UEs from IC program, but some specialization profiles …

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M2 - Material sciences and nano-objects (SMNO-nanomat)

… Sorbonne University, with the support of l'École Polytechnique (l'X), ESPCI and Chimie Paris-Tech. Strong international … in English; they are organized in teaching units, called UE for Unité d'Enseignement in French, credited by 3 or 6 …