Master of Fundamental Physics and Applications
Sorbonne University's Fundamental Physics and Applications master's program offers training in all aspects of physics, and prepares students to enter either a research laboratory (to prepare a thesis, research pathway), the industrial world (professional pathway), or the teaching profession (master MEEFand master in preparation for the agrégation externe in physics).
Our program draws on the research potential of the UFR of Physics, which comprises 22 Sorbonne University laboratories: for example, all students undertake internships in the second semester of M1 (around seven weeks), most of them in one of these research laboratories. The program also introduces a wide range of related disciplines where a background in physics is highly valued: engineering sciences, environmental and earth sciences, sciences of the Universe, life sciences.
Our master's program offers basic training in M1, with a progressive curriculum that leads to a variety of career paths in M2.
Core courses can be taken face-to-face, but are also offered as distance learning courses. Additionally, an internship is compulsory for all students and provides an opportunity to gain professional experience and contacts, whether in the private sector if it's an industrial internship, or in the academic world in France or abroad.
The first year of Sorbonne University's Fundamental Physics and Applications master's degree is a generalist program, providing solid conceptual training (quantum physics, statistical physics) in S1, complemented by advanced experimental and numerical training in S2, through thematic paths adapted to the targeted M2.
Experimental skills are crucial in this M1, and can only be acquired through high-quality experimental teaching. Experimental teaching is therefore an important objective of our program, which is supported by the master's experimental platform and the numerous Sorbonne University laboratories.
From a more cross-disciplinary point of view, our training is designed to give students a diversified scientific culture, based on scientific curiosity and a desire to learn and understand, with the aim of nurturing a coherent training project. Students also benefit from teaching dedicated to professional placement, focusing on the careers of physicists.
Target audience
The M1 in Physics is aimed at holders of a bachelor's degree in physics or physics-chemistry, or an equivalent diploma, who wish to deepen their basic training in physics and prepare for a specialization. It welcomes students interested in academic research in physics, or in maximising their skills as physicists to enter related disciplines and/or the business world.
Admission requirements and prerequisites
Sorbonne University's "Fundamental Physics and Applications" master's degree is aimed at holders of a bachelor's degree in Science and Technology, with a major in physics and various minors in chemistry, mathematics, mechanics and biology.
Anyone wishing to enroll in the Fundamental Physics and Applications master's program must comply with the application formalities specific to Sorbonne University master's programs.
Physics Master's Department
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour 23/33, 2e étage
Case courrier 85
4, place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05
The Master of Physics Team
Management team
Director: Frédéric DECREMPS
Deputy director: Sophie TRINCAZ-DUVOID
Course coordinator
See corresponding pages
M1 Pedagogical Director
Administrative team
Administrative Manager: : Corinne SALLANDRE
Tel. : 01 44 27 45 99
Tel. : Tel. : 01 44 27 48 77
Christine CACHOT
Tel. : 01 44 27 39 56
Tel. : 01 44 27 62 03
Tel. : 01 44 27 40 70
Technical team
Tel. : 01 44 27 84 12
Centre Instrumentation Laser, Radiocristallographie, Physique Nucléaire
Jean-Claude SAHIÉ
Tel. : 01 44 27 59 44
Education and training platform (CAPES preparation)
Cross-functional missions
M1 applicants: Émily LAMOUR
M1 internships: Sophie CRIBIER
Internships: Marie D'ANGELO
M1 internships abroad: Marie D'ANGELO
M1 and M2 international mobility: Marie D'ANGELO
Conference moderator: Olivier PLUCHERY
Continuation in engineering schools: Marie D'ANGELO
Professional placement: Olivier PLUCHERY
M1 evaluation and cohort monitoring : Catherine SCHWOB
M1 PAD Manager: Franck VIDAL
M1 English coordinator: Nicolas RODRIGUEZ