The DU RESPE (Diplôme universitaire de retour aux études supérieures des personnes exilées - University diploma for exiled persons returning to higher education) is a one-year gateway to resuming higher education in the French system.

The university diploma for exiled persons returning to higher education (DU RESPE) is financed and supported by the European Union's Asylum Migration Integration Fund.
Enrollment in the DU RESPE is free and entitles you to a Sorbonne University student card, with access to all campus services (libraries, university restaurant, sports, social and medical services). Eligible students also have access to CROUS social aid (thanks to DU Passerelle accreditation). PLEASE NOTE: DU RESPE does not offer accommodation directly, but accommodation in the Paris region is required to attend courses.
The DU RESPE is not a French language program, but a program for resuming one's studies with :
- French as a foreign language (FLE) courses to prepare for level B2;
- Theater and general culture courses;
- Methodology and refresher courses in the sciences (biology, chemistry, computing, mathematics, physics) or in the humanities (English, visual arts, economics, history-geography, literature, philosophy);
- Tutoring sessions for course revision and support for personal study projects.
Courses take place from September 12, 2021 to May 30, 2023, Monday to Friday from 3:45 pm to 8 pm (attendance is compulsory; on average 15 hours of classes per week and 15 hours of personal work) on Sorbonne University's Pierre and Marie Curie campus (Jussieu metro station).
Skills acquired
The aim of the DU RESPE is to enable students to resume their studies. It is not simply a French language course, but a bridging course preparing students for entry into higher education. It helps students to acquire the vocabulary and methods necessary for pursuing their studies in the French system.
The DU team helps each student to apply for the following year's course (bachelor's, master's, BTS, IUT...).
In January 2020, 70% of students in the class of 2019 were in training and 22% in employment.
Enrollment conditions
Open and free of charge, regardless of nationality or status (refugee, asylum seeker, undocumented migrant, etc.), this course is aimed at non-French speakers whose studies have been interrupted and:
- Hold at least the equivalent of a baccalaureate (or higher);
- Have a B1 level in French (no diploma required: online language test at the time of application, followed by in-class test);
- Plan to go back to school.
Applications from women are encouraged.
Over the past two years, the DU RESPE has received around 300 applications for 40 places.
The 2024 admissions campaign, for the 2024-2025 training year, is open from April 15 to June 2, 2024, as part of a procedure common to 11 Ile de France universities.
The application form and all the information you need to make a decision are available on the dedicated page of the MeNS network website.
Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie - Sorbonne Université
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
4, place Jussieu
75005 Paris