Practice a sporting activity
Sorbonne University gives sport the place it deserves, offering all members of its community a wide range of physical, sporting and artistic activities at different levels. Nearly fifty specialties are offered.
Sports activities at the Faculty are offered by the Department of Physical and Sports Activities (DAPS) and the Sports Association of Sorbonne University Sciences Engineering and Medicine (ASSUSIM). As a student or staff member of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, you also have access to the catalogs of activities offered by the Sports Department at the Faculty of Arts.
The DAPS offers more than 50 sporting activities, which are open to all faculty members, students and staff alike: swimming, yoga, pilates, weight training, underwater diving, athletics, judo, badminton, basketball, climbing, futsal, tango, etc. These activities are offered at different levels: beginner, advanced, competitive, expert, etc.
You can choose to do this activity as a hobby or integrate it into your training (validated by a UE). Find out more about the different registration procedures further down this page.
Take part in competitions
Many performance and adrenaline enthusiasts are involved in the AS. In collaboration with the DAPS, the AS represents Sorbonne Université in various university championships and tournaments organized in conjunction with the French University Sports Federation (FFSU). The aim of the association is to develop and promote the practice of physical and sporting activities at university, both competitively and as a leisure activity. Over 30 different sports are offered to students and staff, including a wide range of outdoor activities.
> Visit the activites.sorbonne-universite.fr platform to consult the catalog of activities on offer!
Some activities are accessible to people with disabilities: badminton, pilates, table tennis, climbing, relaxation, etc. To find out which sports are accessible, or for further information, please contact the Handisport Officer:
Isabelle Masquelez
DAPS teacher and handisport delegate
Relais handicap santé, Boîte 146
4, place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05
+33 1 44 27 59 95 / Courriel
How can I get involved in physical or sporting activity at university?
You can register for a sporting activity once you have completed your administrative and pedagogical enrollment, and received your Sorbonne Université digital identifier.
Sorbonne University students and staff
Enrollments | Mandatory documents |
N.B. Registrations for DAPS activities are free of charge. No changes or enrollments can be made by telephone.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 4 pm. To contact us: E-mail
Students can also take part in training courses that lead to qualifications, and validate UEs supervised by PE teachers from the Department of Physical and Sports Activities (DAPS).
The Student Health Service (SSE) is unable to issue medical certificates stating that there are no contraindications to practising a sport (except scuba diving).
If the physical and sporting activity is offered by DAPS, enrollment is free.
If the physical and sporting activity is offered by ASSUSIM, enrollment costs 50 euros, which is the association's membership fee.
If the activity is offered by the Sports Department of the Faculty of Arts, enrollment is free.
Skiing, beach volleyball, underwater diving...
Various courses are organized throughout the year, including beach volleyball, skiing, freediving and yoga. The conditions for enrollment are different for each course, so please ask the people in charge. Information about these courses can be found on the DAPS Instagram page, and will be published when available.
DAPS – Department of Physical and Sports Activities
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Centre sportif Jean Talbot