Our optional housing assistance service at the Student Life Department will guide you in your search.
Book your accommodation on our rental platform for student residences, shared flats or private homes. Log in with your Sorbonne University login: housing.sorbonne-universite.fr
To obtain accommodation from the Crous:
- fill in your DSE student social file at: messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr (view video)
- then watch out for the opening dates of the housing campaign at: www.crous-paris.fr/logement
From the Master's level upwards, CIUP welcomes you to its 40 houses: www.ciup.fr
To benefit from the APL, apply once you have signed your rental contract.
Visit the CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales) website: www.caf.fr
Completely free and paperless, it is aimed at people under 30 years of age (with conditions for those over 30).
Visit www.visale.fr.
Housing assistance service
Maison de la vie étudiante (MVE)
Faculty of Science and Engineering - Sorbonne University
Physical address
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Maison de la vie étudiante - Patio 23/34