Master in Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate Sciences
The Master's degree in Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate Sciences (SOAC) offers training in the physics of the atmosphere and climate, physical oceanography and methods for observing these environments, particularly from space. It comprises two pathways:
- Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate, Engineering for Space Observations (MOCIS);
- Environmental Sciences and Policy (SPE).
The master's program is supported by various laboratories that make up the IPSL (Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace), one of the world's leading research centers for climate science.
Responsable du Master SOAC
Francis CODRON
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour 46/00 – 1er étage
Sorbonne Université
Département SDUEE
Case courrier 210
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05