In Europe with Erasmus+ and SEMP
Go with Erasmus+, the European Union's best-known program!
Or take part in the Swiss-European mobility program (SEMP) at a Swiss university.
Erasmus +
This exchange program was created in 1987 by the European Union. It encourages exchanges from the L2 level upwards, offering educational status and scholarships for periods ranging from 60 to 360 days. Student exchanges are organized within the framework of partnership agreements between universities.

Application requirements
To apply for an Erasmus+ study mobility program, you must :
- be enrolled at Sorbonne University during the year or semester preceding your departure abroad
- have completed one year of a bachelor's degree
- meet the following nationality criteria: all students regularly enrolled at Sorbonne University are eligible, whatever their nationality. Foreign students (from outside Europe) must have a valid residence permit for the entire duration of their mobility.
Conditions to be met at the time of your travel
To participate in an Erasmus+ study mobility program, you must be accepted by the host university:
- be enrolled at Sorbonne University. Your administrative enrollment at Sorbonne University is compulsory to be exempt from enrollment and Social Security fees at your host university. From Sorbonne University, you must also obtain, subject to passing the exams, validation of your period of study in Europe.
- for non-EU foreign students: a valid residence permit in France and in the host country. Please note: if your residence permit is not up to date in France, you may not be able to enter France when you return from your work placement.
Choice of destination and partner establishment
Before taking any steps, it is essential to consult the list of existing international partnerships at the Faculty of Science and Engineering for your discipline. Consult the list of student mobility destinations.
Existing agreements define a mobility period, a limited number of places and concern one or more disciplines.
Check out the websites of the universities you are interested in: you'll find valuable information about the courses offered, the language(s) of instruction, and specific requirements (compulsory language test, etc.).
Contact your training department
Ask the secretariat of your course for a description of the degree you wish to apply for in the year of your mobility. Find out about the eligibility conditions for this degree at Sorbonne University (dates and procedures).
Meet with your department's mobility coordinator to obtain approval for the exchange together with your choice of course and host university.
Language test
The OLS level test is compulsory for all applicants for Erasmus+ mobility in the following languages of instruction: Bulgarian - Croatian - Czech - Danish - Dutch - English - Estonian - Finnish - German - Greek - Hungarian - Italian - Irish - Latvian - Lithuanian - Maltese - Polish - Portuguese - Romanian - Slovak - Slovenian - Spanish - Swedish.
Please note that a second final test is compulsory at the end of your mobility to assess your linguistic progress.Your Erasmus+ mobility application is examined by your department's mobility coordinator.
You'll need to come to the International Mobility Office with a validated application.
Once your department has been contacted, you can submit your application to the International Mobility Office.
It must consist of the following elements:
- Learning Agreement completed and signed by the student and course coordinator
- CV (in the language of the host country or, failing that, in English)
- Cover letter (in the language of the host country or, failing that, in English)
- Higher education grades
As soon as you arrive
You must hand in your arrival certificate no later than 5 days after your arrival. Please note! Failure to hand in a timely proof of arrival certificate will result in a delayed payment of your financial aid.
During your mobility
If you need to make any course changes, you must have your study contract amended and signed by the coordinator and diploma coordinator, then by the Erasmus+ coordinator at the host university. Next, you must send the study contract "en cours de mobilité" to the International Mobility Office.
Before returning to France
You need to fill in your attestation of completion just before leaving your host institution and send it to the International Mobility Office.
Opon your return to France and to FSI
Several documents must be submitted to the International Mobility Office upon your return:
- the "after your mobility" study contract
- end-of-stay report (notification will be sent to you by e-mail)
- acamdemic transcripts
You will also be asked to take the second language level test.
Additional funding may be available for students with disabilities. This funding is intended to facilitate the participation of individuals concerned in the Erasmus+ program.
Language level
It is essential to have a good understanding of the language of the country where you will be studying. Some universities have specific requirements: find out more before you leave. To prepare for your departure in the best possible way, don't hesitate to contact the Language Department of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, to take refresher courses and/or obtain CLES certification.
Don't hesitate to investigate the language courses offered by your host university.
Social security coverage
As a Sorbonne University student, you will retain your social security cover during your stay. Before you leave, you must be in possession of the European Health Insurance Card to be able to prove your coverage abroad.
However, even if you have this card, you will not be fully covered. Complementary health insurance is recommended. Ask your student insurance company for details.
Accommodation conditions vary from university to university: halls of residence, shared apartments and sometimes self-catering accommodation are available.
Erasmus+ Student Charter
The Erasmus+ student charter outlines your rights and obligations, and informs you of what you can expect from your home and host institutions at every stage of your Erasmus+ experience. It is included in the "Erasmus+ pack" that your manager will send you, and we strongly recommend reading it.
Full-year mobility or 1st semester (departure in September/October) |
For all destinations | 1st March |
Mobility 2nd semester (departure in January) |
For all destinations | September 15 |
SEMP (Switzerland)
Following Switzerland's withdrawal from the Erasmus program, it created the Swiss-European mobility Program (SEMP).

European Study Mobility Coordinator
International Mobility Office
Closed to the public on Wednesday and Friday afternoons
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour Zamansky, 1er étage, bureau 100
4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05

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