FAQ | handicap

This section answers the most frequently asked questions about the student health and disability service.

If you cannot find the answer to your question: contact us!

FAQ | handicap

The SHSE is for all students at Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science and Engineering and Faculty of Medicine who have health problems that affect their studies. If in doubt, contact us and we will help!

You do not need to be notified by the MDPH to benefit from accommodations at university. It is the SSE doctor who assesses the need for accommodation during a medical appointment.

For information, SSE doctors issue medical certificates on behalf of the MDPH's Commission des droits et de l'autonomie des personnes handicapées (Commission for the rights and autonomy of disabled people). 


Yes, the registration is valid for one year, and the process of renewing your support plan is an opportunity to take stock of your situation.

You will need to present your medical documents at your preventive medical appointment with a doctor at SSE. In general, you will need to show a speech and language assessment that is less than three years old.

University students are not accompanied by an AVS as they are during secondary education. It is, however, possible to be accompanied by an auxiliaire de vie, who assists the disabled person in carrying out the essential gestures of daily life. This arrangement is the responsibility of the Commission des Droits et de l'Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées (CDAPH). To benefit, you need to make a request to the departmental disabled person's home (MDPH).

You can initiate procedures with the SHSE. The SSE doctor will then assess whether or not you need to be accommodated at a medical appointment.

Once you've made your arrangements with SHSE, you keep in touch with your support manager throughout the year. You can report any changes in your situation to them at any time. You can also let them know if everything is going well!

You are under no obligation to inform the university of your disability. This is a strictly personal and voluntary process. The SHSE is availablel to help you if you wish, and if you feel it is necessary.

It's a three-step process:

- Appointment at the SHSE: we provide you with information, register you and welcome you for a confidential, one-to-one interview to assess your needs. Together with your support coordinator, you design a disabled student support plan (PAEH). The SHSE contacts the course coordinator to assess the feasibility of the support plan.

- SSE appointment: during a medical appointment with a doctor, your situation is medically assessed. The doctor may or may not approve the proposed accommodations.

- The SHSE sends you notification of the PAEH decision, which is also forwarded to your course coordinator. The accommodations can then be implemented.

No! This medical information is confidential unless you wish to communicate your situation.


Île-de-France mobilités (formerly STIF) has set up a special door-to-door transport service for students with disabilities. The service is based on the student's class timetable.

The PAM service (to help with mobility) is available in every département of the Île-de-France region. It enables people with disabilities to travel anywhere in the Ile-de-France region, whatever the reason for their journey. Transportation must be booked in advance (by telephone, mail or directly online). The journey is made in specially adapted vehicles from your home to your destination address.

If your training takes place on the Pierre et Marie Curie campus at Jussieu, as part of your accommodations, we can consider giving you access to the parking lot.

If your training takes place on another campus, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the matter directly.

Yes, there are free-access elevators in every tower of the Pierre et Marie Curie Campus. You can get an elevator badge in your accommodation to access certain buildings.

You must apply to the Departmental Home for the Disabled for human assistance.

Accomodations for tests and exams

If you are in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, in L1, the extra time is implemented automatically. From L2 onwards, you must make your request to the SHSE at least 10 days in advance so that we can organize it.


Looking for a student job at Sorbonne University? Go to the student employment page

The SHSE offers various assignments to students who have signed an employment contract with Sorbonne University:

  • Student referance 
  • Note taker
  • Methodological support
  • Support courses
  • TP assistant
  • Examination secretary
  • Invigilator for modified tests

Do not hesitate to contact us if you're interested!