
Cultural action for the entire student community

Sorbonne University is committed to providing access to culture, encouraging expression and creativity. This cultural development policy is supported within the Faculty of Science and Engineering by its cultural action center.

Cultural action for the entire student community

>> Exhibition venues

La Passerelle, a cultural gallery on campus

La Passerelle is a cultural exhibition space designed to make art and culture accessible to all, close to student life on the Pierre et Marie Curie campus. Managed by the Pôle action culturelle, it facilitates student artistic projects and opens the doors of the university to recognized artists. It is in this dual role that the unique space is defined as a place of exchange and creation.

This space encourages creativity and artistic awakening. Since its opening in 2015, 25 artists' exhibitions have been programmed and three prize-giving ceremonies (as part of photo and art creation competitions) have taken place. Programming at La Passerelle has been the subject of partnerships with artists' collectives, student associations and institutions.

Visiting the gallery
Entrance to the gallery is via the Maison de la Vie Étudiante - Patio 23/34 / Opening hours: 10 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.


>> Places of culture

The art of being a spectator

Understand a piece of  artwork, express your feelings after a performance and develop a critical eye. The art of being a spectator! Students are invited to immerse themselves in the world of an artist in three stages: theatrical experience and understanding of the work, invitation to the performance, meeting and discussion with the actor/actress, director or technical team.

Several editions are planned throughout the year, in collaboration with local cultural venues and partners.


Espace des arts et de la culture

The Espace des Arts et de la Culture (EDAC) is a place dedicated to artistic practice, creativity and projects. It includes four art practice rooms for workshops, which can be booked in advance or individually:

  • a theater and dance hall;
  • music studio;
  • a music rehearsal room;
  • an art room.

Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tours 33/43 niveau Saint-Bernard
>> Booking: Rooms are available upon reservation from the MVE.

Information, registration, booking

Cultural Action Department

Maison de la vie étudiante (MVE)
Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie - Sorbonne Université

Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Maison de la vie étudiante - Patio 23/34

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