Special assistance for international students
If you are a new student at Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science and Engineering, Student Life's social action team can help you with all your administrative formalities and make it easier for you to access your rights.
This page is intended for international students arriving at the Faculty outside an exchange program.
The Social Action team welcomes you to the Maison de la Vie Étudiante and helps you renew your residence permit throughout your studies.
As soon as you arrive in France, you must register with the French health insurance system.
As soon as you arrive in France, you must register with Ameli,the online health insurance website. Registration is free and compulsory. You will be given a social security number. This identification gives you access to numerous online services, as well as partial reimbursement of your healthcare costs.
You must have a social security number to work or undertake an internship.
For full reimbursement, you can subscribe to a complementary health insurance (mutuelle).
Step 1: Register online and receive a provisional number. For this registration, please bring:
- Proof of enrolment for the current academic year (school certificate, enrolment document or student card)
- Proof of identity (passport or ID card, both sides)
- Your student visa
Step 2: To obtain your certificate and final entitlement, you must provide the following documents:
- Proof of civil status (full copy of birth certificate or birth certificate extract with filiation or copy of family record book and marriage certificate)
- Your residence permit or visa with confirmation of online registration validation (ANEF link).
A bank details form (Relevé d'Identité Bancaire)
The welcome office for international students will help you put together and follow up on your application or renewal of your residence permit.
Worth knowing: All residence permit applications can be made electronically via the ANEF website, the digital administration for foreigners in France.
Procedures are carried out online 24/7.
If you have connection problems, a computer is available at the Maison de la Vie Étudiante.
/For students under 18, please contact the prefecture via the contact form on the web page of the prefecture in your département of residence.
Student Life Social Action
Maison de la Vie Étudiante
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
(Between the towers 23 & 24)
Phone number: 01 44 27 60 60
Email : sciences-accompagnement-social@sorbonne-universite.fr
You will find all the information you need on the financial aid page.
You can obtain a subscription to the Paris and Île-de-France transport network (RATP) for unlimited travel on all metro, RER, bus and tramway lines. The subscription for students under 26 is €38/year.
Tip: apply early, as it takes between 10 days and 3 weeks to process your Navigo card application.
The required documents are:
- Your school certificate
- A passport photo
- a means of payment
Housing assistance may be paid, under certain conditions, to anyone renting accommodation or living in a hostel. There are three types of assistance: personalized housing assistance (APL), family housing allowance (ALF) and social housing allowance (ALS).
The Nouvelles Voies association supports students at the Faculty of Medicine during its weekly office hours on Mondays at the MVE (Maison de la Vie Etudiante).