Master of Chemistry
The Master of Chemistry at Paris Centre is co-accredited by Sorbonne University and PSL. Rich and modular, it presents chemistry in a broad and comprehensive manner, transversal and open to its interfaces, particularly in relation to physics and biology. The program is built on the foundations of a general chemistry degree, and aims to broaden these foundations to ensure students’ creative abilities as future scientific professionals.
Back to school 2023/24
M1 :
September 4th, 2023- 10h
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Place Jussieu – Paris 5e
M2 :
September 6th, 2023 - 10h30
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Place Jussieu – Paris 5e
Given the growing complexity and constant evolution of chemistry, this program provides a broad, cross-disciplinary knowledge of the discipline. All master's graduates should be familiar with the concepts and methods that underpin current developments in all areas of chemistry, and they should have acquired the necessary skills. Therefore, all graduates must have a strong grasp of current aspects of synthesis, the properties of chemical compounds and their implications on the industrial environment. Upon completion of the core curriculum at the start of this program, students will have mastered modern analytical methods and understand chemical reactivity.
Increasing focus on a specialization will offer each student extensive skills according to their chosen professional profile.The program covers the fields of: Analytical, physical and theoretical chemistry, Materials chemistry, Molecular chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and life sciences.
Specializations at the interface of other disciplines such as physics and biology are possible thanks to cooperative ventures with other departments.
The wide range of courses on offer mean that students can pursue a variety of personal career paths, and guarantee the diversity of an annual intake that covers numerous career opportunities in the discipline.
We aim to train students up to an advanced scientific level in the field of chemistry. Graduates will master the concepts and procedures emerging from current research, and will be able to work independently and as part of a team, adapting their actions to professional situations in research and development, production, services or teaching. We aim to bring each graduate to a level of excellence in their specialty, while still being able to grasp related disciplinary fields by personalizing their career path and providing learner-centered teaching.
The special features of our master's program are the breadth of subject areas and the modularity of the individual courses available.
Each student acquires specific skills according to their choice of specialization, as well as the general skills listed below:
- Understand a scientific subject in context, think independently and be creative: research, memorize, understand, criticize and utilize scientific information in to solve a complex theoretical or experimental problem related to chemistry.
- Produce, process and interpret experimental results in the field of chemistry from highly technical experiments with an advanced level of expertise.
- Situate and communicate specialist knowledge in relation to the needs of other professionals, and know how to develop and contribute to a work team.
- Speak English with a certified level of CLES B2 or higher.
The Master of Chemistry program has a tree-like structure, with a common core in M1-S1, then an orientation in M1-S2, followed by a specialization in M2-S3. At the same time, the M1-S1, M1-S2 and M2-S4 semesters include cross-disciplinary courses and two long internships.
This program is divided into skill blocks:
- Block 1: Common core (M1-S1, 24 ECTS). The three core courses and two optional courses present a cross-disciplinary vision of the different aspects of chemistry.
- Block 2: Specialization (M1-S2 and M2-S3, 48 ECTS). The extensive choice of UEs within one field or among several fields enables students to fully customize their professional profiles.
- Block 3: Generic courses (M1-S1 and M1-S2, 9 ECTS). The courses in this block provide essential cross-disciplinary and linguistic skills.
- Block 4: Internships (M1-S2 and M2-S4, 39 ECTS). Two internships, either in a university laboratory in France or abroad, or in an industrial setting, complete the training in a professional environment.
Block 2 specialization profiles are developed by combining courses in semesters M1S2 and M2S3. The tables below show the weekly breakdown of courses. It is not possible to combine courses in the same time slot.
This block comprises three core courses of 6 ECTS, providing a solid foundation in the three fields of physical chemistry, molecular chemistry and materials chemistry. Four 3 ECTS options are available, with each student choosing two. These electives address a societal challenge (health, energy, environment) or an industrial issue (processes) with a cross-disciplinary approach.
4CI201 From microscopic to macroscopic
4CI401 Molecular Chemistry
4CI601 Materials chemistry
4CI011 Chemistry and life
4CI012 Intro process engineering
4CI013 Chemistry and energy
4CI014 Chemistry and environment
Skills covered by this block
- Understand a scientific subject in context: search for, memorize and use scientific information to understand the solution to a complex theoretical or experimental problem.
- Produce, process and interpret experimental results from highly technical experiments in the field of chemistry, according to supplied procedures.
- Establish links between the different fields of chemistry and utilize their contributions to the solution of a problem.
- Apply multi-disciplinary knowledge to meet societal challenges in the fields of energy, health and the environment.
This block corresponds to the thematic specialization of each student, through their choice of 8 UE of 6 ECTS, including 3 in M1 and 5 in M2. Each pathway (CAPT, MAT, MOL, IC, CSDV) offers a series of UEs, totalling 11 in M1S2 and around 50 in M2S3. Students build their training profile by combining UEs within a typical pathway or straddling several typical pathways. The Master's supervisors have identified 18 professional profiles with disciplinary skills that can be acquired by combining the appropriate UEs in this block. Other profiles are also possible. The program therefore enables gradual specialization, with an orientation stage in M1, followed by more advanced study in M2.
M1S2: Level 1 (18 ECTS)
S2 UE1 S2 UE2 S2 UEE3
M2S3: Level 2 (30 ECTS)
S3 UE1 S3 UE2 S3 UE3 S3 UE4 S3 UE5
Specialization profiles
This table proposes a number of possible profiles for combining master's courses. The suggestions for the UEs are available below:
Specialization profile | On completion of this specialization, students will be able to... | Route to apply to M2 |
Biotechnologies | Develop chemical strategies to analyze, influence, exploit or imitate biological processes | CSDV |
Catalysis: synthesis, reactivity and processes | Master theoretical concepts and experimental methods in the field of catalysis | IC, MAT, MOL |
Analytical chemistry | Master theoretical concepts and experimental methods for isolating, characterizing and quantifying chemical substances | CAPT |
Biological and medicinal chemistry | Develop chemical strategies to design and analyze organic or biological compounds with therapeutic or diagnostic properties | MOL, CSDV |
Heritage chemistry | Master the theoretical concepts and analytical methods used in heritage studies | CAPT |
Industrial molecular chemistry | Design, synthesize and characterize molecules on laboratory and industrial scales | IC, MOL |
Durability and corrosion of materials | Master the theoretical concepts and experimental methods for improving the service life of materials | CAPT, MAT |
Electrochemistry | Master theoretical concepts and experimental methods for designing and optimizing electrochemical devices | CAPT |
Environment and sustainable development | Evaluate, select and validate new processes that take environmental issues into account | IC |
Formulation | Master theoretical concepts and experimental methods to design and develop formulated systems | MAT, CAPT |
Chemical risk management | Assess chemical process risks and define strategies to minimize them | IC |
Materials and energy | Design, develop and characterize materials for use in energy conversion processes | MAT |
Industrial materials | Design, synthesize and characterize materials on laboratory and industrial scales | IC, MAT |
Soft matter and polymers | Master the theoretical concepts and experimental methods used to develop macromolecules and complex assemblies, and characterize and interpret their physico-chemical properties. | MAT |
Molecular modeling and applications | Model molecular systems or materials to interpret and predict their behavior | CAPT, MOL, MAT |
Nano-objects | Master theoretical concepts and experimental techniques for characterizing and interpreting nanoscale data | CAPT, MOL, MAT |
Elementary processes and reactivity | Characterize the processes involved in chemical reactions at the molecular level | CAPT |
Spectroscopies | Master theoretical concepts and experimental methods in the field of spectroscopy | CAPT |
Surfaces, interfaces, thin films | Master the theoretical concepts and experimental techniques needed to characterize and interpret physico-chemical phenomena at interfaces and design functional surfaces. | CAPT, MAT |
Inorganic synthesis | Design, develop and characterize inorganic compounds with targeted properties | MOL, MAT |
Organic synthesis | Design, develop and characterize organic compounds with targeted properties | MOL |
Energy transition | Evaluate, select and validate new processes that take energy issues into account | MAT |
* CSDV applications should be sent to Paris Sciences Lettres.
Common skills covered by this block :
- Understand a scientific subject in context: research, memorize, understand, criticize and exploit scientific information in depth to solve a complex theoretical or experimental problem.
- Independently produce, process and interpret experimental results from highly technical experiments in the field of chemistry.
- Relate specialist knowledge to the needs of other professionals.
The courses in this block help students to acquire essential cross-disciplinary and linguistic skills. The aim of the English UE is at least CLES B2 level. Students who demonstrate a sufficient level of English may take another language. The bibliographic project is prepared in groups of four students, to learn how to work as a team on a given theme. The professional integration UE provides methodology and support for the construction of a professional project.
Skills covered by this block :
- Communicate clearly in written and oral forms, in French and English, adapting your style and tone to the audience.
- Identify, select and use specialized resources in French and English to extract project-related information.
- Respect the information needs and contributions of collaborators within a peer group.
- Be a team player and contribute constructively to the achievement of objectives.
Immersion in a professional environment plays an important role in the Chemistry Master's program and internships are compulsory every year. The training schedule is organized to allow three to five months of an internship in M1 and five to six months in M2.
From M1 onwards, every student is required to find an internship outside the university, in France or abroad, in a company or academia, in line with his or her professional project. The only exceptions are FabLab projects, and foreign students who can do their M1 internship at Sorbonne University. Students with an academic research project are strongly encouraged to do an internship in a university laboratory abroad. Those wishing to pursue a career in industry can choose between an internship in France or abroad, in R&D, production, marketing or in a complementary field that will open the door to dual skills. Teachers from the "Orientation and professional integration" course and the Master's internship office support students throughout their internship search.
The M2 internship may be at Sorbonne University or one of the program's partner institutions, another academic laboratory, or a company, in France or abroad. Internship proposals received and validated by the course leaders are posted on the Master's intranet. Students are also welcome to submit their own internship proposals for approval.
Internships must correspond with the student's career plan and facilitate their integration into the workforce after graduation. The subject of the internship must be in line with the student's training profile, and could be a research, technical or non-technical development topic, as long as the knowledge and skills of a chemist are utilized. Assessment, in the form of a report and oral presentation, is based on the chemistry-related knowledge and skills listed below:
4CI 101 Internship (min. 3 months)
5CI 101 Internship ( min. 5 months)
Skills covered by this block :
- Take technical responsibility for, implement and monitor scientific work in chemistry.
- Independently produce, process and interpret experimental results from highly technical experiments in the field of chemistry.
- Communicate clearly in written and oral forms, in French and English, adapting to your audience in all professional situations.
- Be an autonomous learner in a variety of professional situations.
- Respect the information needs and contributions of collaborators, including teams of professionals outside the discipline.
Teaching unit charts
Compulsory courses
4Ci201 From microscope to macroscope
Elective courses
4Ci012 Introduction to process engineering
4Ci014 Chemistry and environment
PCmat course : 4PY103 Quantum mechanics, basics and applications
CAPT area (Analytical, physical and theoretical chemistry, codes 4Ci3xx)
MOL field (Molecular Chemistry, codes 4Ci5xx)
MAT field (Chemistry of materials, codes 4Ci7xx)
IC area (Chemical engineering, codes 4Ci9xx)
European TCCM Master's degree (Theoretical chemistry and computational modeling)
No fixed day |
Day |
Teaching |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
- CAPT area (Analytical, physical and theoretical chemistry, codes 5Ci2xx)
- CSDV field (Chemistry and life sciences, codes 5Ci3xx)
- MOL field (Molecular Chemistry, codes 5Ci4xx)
- MAT field (Chemistry of materials, codes 5Ci6xx)
- IC area (Chemical engineering, codes 5Ci8xx)
- UE other master's department
You can use the "profile table" to personalize your choice of UE:
Theme pathways
This course develops skills in physics and chemistry, in the field of condensed matter, including materials, interfaces, molecular solids and liquids. It is particularly well suited to students who have completed a bi-disciplinary bachelor's degree in physics and chemistry, or mono-disciplinary courses.
Target audience
This Master's degree is open to people in initial or continuing training who wish to obtain an advanced level of education in all areas of chemistry to work as researchers, project managers, consultants, teachers, etc. in the fields of research and development, higher education, quality, safety and the environment, manufacturing, logistics, marketing, etc.
The aim is to train R&D engineers, project managers and executives in the chemical and related industries, via an intensive, specialized pathway under an apprenticeship contract with a partner company. The program is run on an intermediary basis, and covers four pathways: Analytical-Physical & Theoretical Chemistry (CAPT), Chemical Engineering (IC), Materials Chemistry (MAT) and Molecular Chemistry (MOL). Fundamental theory is taught in the same way for students without an apprenticeship contract, so the prerequisites for admission are identical.
First year
The first semester includes the core courses 4Ci201 From Microscopic to Macroscopic, 4Ci401 Molecular Chemistry and 4Ci601 Materials Chemistry on three days of the week. Specialization begins in the second semester, with a choice of two teaching units. The annual program is completed by English language courses, professional integration courses and experimental specialization projects. During teaching periods (Sept-Dec and Jan-March), students spend three days a week at the university and two days a week at the company, and entirely at the company outside teaching periods.
Second year
The first semester is devoted to theoretical training, with an academic period from mid-September to mid-December, and to apprenticeship training, with two consecutive days per week spent within the company. During this period, students must take four courses (6 ECTS each) related to their specialization and the company assignment, and present an experimental specialization project (6 ECTS) linked to their company assignment (5Ci001). For each field, several thematic pathways are offered.
The second semester is devoted almost entirely to on-the-job training (5C102), as well as developing cross-disciplinary skills that will be useful in the exercise of corporate responsibilities (English, HSEQ, etc.) (5C104).
Target audience
Students under 30 years of age at the time of signing the apprenticeship contract, with the same prerequisite skills as those without an apprenticeship contract. For those beyond this age group, please contact AFI24. The level required for direct entry into M2 is equivalent to M1 Chemistry, M1 Materials Science, or other science-related M1s.
Recruitment is based on an online application to AFI24 and Sorbonne University, a review of the student's file and aninterview. Enrolment is only definitive after an apprenticeship contract has been signed. It is advisable to look for a host company as soon as possible.
Find out more about contract offers at www.afi24.org.
You can contact the managers by e-mail: Mme OBLE Julie or Mme DOSSMANN Héloïse
Admission prerequisites
Recommended bachelor's degrees for M1:
- Chemistry
- Physics, chemistry
Candidates are assessed to ensure that they have acquired the required skills:
Prerequisite disciplinary skills
- Utilize the necessary knowledge, concepts and technologies to tackle and solve problems in the fields of materials chemistry, molecular chemistry and physical chemistry.
- Apply the essential tools of other disciplines (including mathematics and physics) to the problems of chemistry.
- Identify and independently carry out the various stages of an experimental approach, use experimental equipment and techniques, identify specific regulations and implement the main health and safety preventive measures.
- Publicize scientific information: i) Identify and select various specialized resources to document a subject; ii) Analyze and interpret data while respecting the principles of ethics and deontology in science; iii) Validate the model used with a critical mind.
Pre-professional, cross-disciplinary and language skills required
- Be part of a work team and understand one's role and mission within an organization in order to adapt and take initiatives.
- Adopt an effective work methodology, self-assess and challenge yourself to learn.
- Master the language of instruction: I) Use the different registers of written and oral expression in the French language; II) Understand scientific communication in written and spoken English.
- Ability to explain how your career plan fits in with the Chemistry Master's program
Students who have completed the first year of a master's degree in chemistry or an equivalent diploma from another institution may be admitted directly into M2.
During the M2 year, students admitted on the basis of their academic record can prepare for the aggregation examination in physics-chemistry, specialising in chemistry, to enter secondary education.
Admission may be granted on the basis of prior learning and experience, according to the opinions of the relevant juries. For further information, contact the Continuing Education Department.
Job opportunities
Holders of this master's degree can pursue doctoral studies. The Chemistry specialization is open to doctoral schools related to the courses taught in this program: Molecular Chemistry, Physics and Chemistry of Materials, Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Paris-Centre, Inter-bio, Process Engineering and Advanced Technologies.
The Master of Chemistry also offers opportunities at an executive level in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, energy, automotive, materials, raw materials, food, paint, environmental and consulting industries...
Département du Master de Chimie
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour 54-55, 1er étage
Case courrier 38
4 place Jussieu
75005 Paris