Master in Actuarial Science
The Master's degree in Actuarial Science aims to train specialists in the quantitative analysis of risks and their management, mainly in the field of finance and insurance. Students must acquire the skills corresponding to the international professional standards that apply to actuaries, and be able to cope with the emergence of new risks and quantitative techniques, particularly those linked to the digital revolution.
Actuaries are professionals in the evaluation, modeling and management of risks in their economic, financial, insurance and social dimensions. The profession is organized on a national and international level, and is represented by the Institute of Actuaries (IA) in France, the European Actuarial Association (EAA) and the International Actuarial Association (IAA).
The actuary's mission places him/her at the heart of the data, in order to use it to forecast and manage insurance or financial risks, to create and price insurance products, and to offer protection adapted to social and societal changes (longevity, dependency, etc.).
The Master's degree in Actuarial Science at Sorbonne University (Actuarial Science Department of the Institute of Statistics of the University of Paris, ISUP) is one of the eight initial training programs recognized by the Institute of Actuaries, allowing its graduates to become associate members of the IA, provided that they successfully defend their final thesis before the IA jury. In addition to the advanced knowledge and skills required by the actuary, the master's degree offers, in the final year, advanced training in various fields of specialization corresponding to the modern outlook of the sector.
In addition to compliance with national and international actuarial standards, the Actuarial Science Master's program focuses on developing comprehensive skills in the field of statistics and data science (particularly issues related to Big Data) and the changes that digital transformation is instigating in the insurance and finance sector.
The training consists of 4 semesters. At the end of semester 2, an internship of 1 to 3 months is highly recommended. Semesters 1 and 2 allow students to acquire basic skills in probability and statistics, as well as knowledge of the insurance and finance sector. Semester 4 is composed of elective courses (in data science, finance, emerging risks...) and concludes with a 6-month internship. Semesters 3 and 4 can be completed as an apprenticeship.
Skills and knowledge
- Mathematical modeling
- Mastery of mathematical tools, particularly in statistics, probability and data analysis
- Analytical skills
- Written communication
- Oral communication
- Programming (R, Python)
- Knowledge of the main financial and insurance products
- Knowledge of the financial and insurance markets
- Ability to adapt to the professional environment
Target audience
Students who have completed at least a bachelor's degree with a strong mathematical background and who have advanced skills in probability and statistics.
Admission requirements and prerequisites
Admission to the first year of the DU in Statistics for students enrolled in Licence 2 is subject to sufficient results judged by the admission jury. Admission to M1 requires at least a validated licence. Admission is exclusively to M1 (no direct admission to M2).
Professional areas
- Insurance companies
- Mutuals
- Banks
- Pension and provident funds
- Actuarial consulting firms
- Investment or asset management firms
- Audit firms
- Departments
- Financial institutions
- Academic or corporate research
Responsible for the course
Olivier LOPEZ, Director of ISUP
Administrative and corporate relations manager
Céline Chaussoy
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Barre 14-24, 3e étage
Mailbox 157
4 place Jussieu
75005 Paris