Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate, Engineering for Space Observations (MOCIS) course
Target audience and admission requirements
In the first year, the MOCIS program recruits students with a bachelor's degree in physics or the equivalent. Another bachelor's degree, such as Applied Mathematics, Mechanics or Earth Sciences, or a course of study such as engineering school, are also possible, provided that students have sufficient grounding in physics and mathematical methods. In particular, a physics major or minor is strongly recommended for students applying for the MOCIS program from an Earth Sciences degree.
This path also welcomes students from Sorbonne University's Physics Master's program (CMI) who wish to specialize in Space Engineering and Remote Sensing for Earth Observation (OTTIS).
Job opportunities
The MOCIS pathway opens the door to a wide range of careers in higher education and research, local authorities and large companies sensitive to climate or meteorology (banks, insurance companies, public sector, etc.), and small innovative companies (space sector, climate risks, renewable energy resources).
Specific preparation for the Météo-France "Ingénieur des Travaux" competitive examination is also organized in the second semester of this course.
The basic knowledge acquired in Master 1 can also be applied to other Master 2 courses in related fields: oceanography, meteorology and air quality, climate, renewable energies and environmental engineering, spatial data analysis, and fluid dynamics.
Responsables pédagogiques
Guillaume GASTINEAU (M1)
Francis CODRON (M2)
Secrétariat pédagogique
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour 46/00 – 1er étage
Sorbonne Université
Département SDUEE
Case courrier 210
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05