Nous avons trouvé 137 résultats pour votre recherche
Discovering the Institut de papyrologie
… against a village chief for slanderous denunciation, and even the largest papyrus documentary book in the world: a … has a triple objective," explains Florent Jacques: to prevent it from deteriorating over time, to reconstitute the … regularly take part in exhibitions in France and abroad, organize a dozen guided tours a year, particularly for …
Camille Lutz
… invest in my training, and dedicate time to studies in the evening, after training or on the weekend. How does Sorbonne … you in this project? C.L.: Sorbonne University helps me organize my schedule. This year, rather than taking a gap …
Lisa Barbelin
… my preparation time so I have to catch up later, in the evening for example. It's quite complicated, but it mostly just requires a lot of organization. How is Sorbonne University supporting you in …
Ève Planeix
… in this dual project? It’s not easy and requires a lot of organization and adaptation. I train in the water from 8am … train again for about three hours in the afternoon. In the evening, I catch up on all the lessons I missed during the …
Plastic pollution: towards a global treaty limiting production?
… Sciences of Paris (Iees) , (link in French) an organization attached to Sorbonne University. During the … in order to reduce their production. Rwanda and Peru have even committed to reducing their production by 40% between …
The language of love. Meeting with linguist Julie Neveux
… one launches in the morning while leaving for work, and even less with a desperate "I love you" that means "don't … Language helps to understand our emotional life, it organizes it. And it is only when a feeling is identified by … can be addressed to the other, as a proposal to share, or even just the beginning of a conversation. In your book, you …
Zohra Kehli
… the Cercle d'Escrime de Vincennes where, at the age of seven, I started my first competitions, trained by Guillaume … given to me by the other students. It's a balancing act. Organization is essential. How does Sorbonne Université … What do the Paris Olympics mean to you? It's a home revenge because I tested positive for Covid-19 the day before …
Sustainable development
… to receive: • all printed papers; • cardboard boxes, even soiled ones, but without food remains; • small … Plastic packaging leads to frequent sorting errors, even by attentive sorters. Sorbonne University has therefore … manufacturer has made a contribution to a waste management organization. No guarantee that the product has been …
Open Science Training in the Framework of the 4EU+ Alliance
… several exemples of agreements and explain the differences even for different versions of a work (preprint post print … data. We will show what it means to create FAIR data, even before a project begins. We will also see the … among participants may further improve data quality (e.g., organized quality control) and develop sense of belonging, a …
Doctoral Projects proposed in 2022 - Institutes and Initiatives Program
… d'Ile-de-France (ED 129) Projet : Analyse des liens entre événements extrêmes, population et impacts - Porteurs de … Projet : Archéologie des doyennés de l’abbaye de Cluny : organiser, maîtriser et exploiter un territoire au Moyen Âge … et phénomènes hydro-climatiques extrêmes : impacts des évènements passés et évaluation de la vulnérabilité future - …