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Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programs

… P. Grellier (biology, ecology, MCAM, MNHN), J.- F Allemand (physics, LPENS-ENS, SU), G. Debregeas (physics, LJP, SU), C. Ménager (PHENIX, SU). The person in … present at Sorbonne University: chemistry, biochemistry, physics and engineering, which are all concerned. In terms …

  • Actualité

Four Young Women Researchers Awarded the L'Oréal-Unesco Young Talent Prize

… as varied as medicine, biology, astronomy, chemistry, physics and computer science. This year, 35 young women …

  • Actualité

2022 Shanghai Rankings: Sorbonne University in the Top 10 Worldwide by Academic Subject

… sciences (10th) Sorbonne University is also ranked 16th in Physics and Atmospheric Science. Discover the complete …

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Camille Lutz

… and among the subjects offered – maths, computer science, physics, engineering—it was computer science that captured … do the same warm-up exercises to feel ready mentally and physically What is your most memorable memory during a …

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Julien Laurat

… Kastler Brossel (LKB) , the French flagship of quantum physics, part of whose premises are at Sorbonne University, … small. Initially fascinated by astronomy and astrophysics, Julien Laurat became interested in particles and quantum physics. Trained as an engineer, he pursued exploratory …

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Prithika Pavade

… of training. And I'm not counting the physiotherapy and physical preparation sessions. I am lucky to have the status … each competition, I like to finish my warm-up with dynamic physical exercises and watch the matches before mine to put …

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… their manuscript specifying the name, e-mail address and physical address of the head of the doctoral school to which … of life Physiology, physiopathology and therapeutics Physics in Ile-de-France Physics and chemistry of materials Earth and Environmental …

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European Education and Research Projects

…  is an H2020 project in Future and Emerging Technologies in Physics, "Photons for Quantum Simulation." The objective of … community at the interfsections of mathematics, chemistry, physics and computer science.   Ongoing project …

  • Actualité

The 2021 'My thesis in 180 seconds' final

… Lacroix , a second-year doctoral candidate from the "Physics in Ile-de-France" graduate school, for his …

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Cultural and sporting activities

… partnerships with cultural institutions.   Sports and physical activities The Sports centre gives students the …