Master courses in Chemistry
Given the growing complexity and constant evolution of chemistry, this program provides a broad, cross-disciplinary knowledge of the discipline.
1st year Master courses (M1) taught in English
These courses are accessible to 4th year undergraduate exchange students provided they have the necessary prerequisites.
Semester 1
1st year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
At the end of the TU, the student will be able to link the macroscopic properties of matter to the properties at the molecular scale and to mobilize these notions to analyze and interpret simple physico-chemical phenomena and identify the parameters influencing them.
- Chemical thermodynamics
- Physico-chemical reactions
- Basic electrostatics and simple mechanics
Virginie Marry (virginie.marry@sorbonne-universite.fr)
1st year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
This TU will enable the student to anticipate molecular reactivities in organic chemistry and complex chemistry, to propose reaction paths and intermediates, to follow a synthesis protocol, to analyse and report experimental observations in a professional format, and to be able to evolve autonomously in a laboratory.
- Organic Chemistry
- Coordination Chemistry
Geoffroy Guillemot (geoffroy.guillemot@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Vincent Corcé (vincent.corce@sorbonne-universite.fr)
1st year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
The common thread of this TU is to understand, justify and rationalise strategies for the synthesis of polymeric or inorganic materials (oxide or metal). We discuss the main methods of polymer development using industrial examples to link them to practical applications: polymerization and copolymerization (condensation, radical, anionic, cationic and by coordination), polymerization control (molar masses and architectures), general structure-property relations.
- Crystallography, crystal field theory, chemical kinetics
- Solid-liquid binary diagrams
- X-ray diffractograms for structural analysis
- 1H NMR spectra
Olivier Durupthy (olivier.durupthy@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Nicolas Illy (nicolas.illy@sorbonne-universite.fr)
2nd year Master courses (M2) taught in English
Semester 1
Materials Chemistry track
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
This teaching unit offers a series of courses and conferences focusing on the different types of materials used for biomedicine (metals, biominerals, biopolymers, hydrogels), on the material/live interface (biomolecule/surface interaction, functionalization strategies, tissue engineering) and on more prospective aspects related to biomaterial science (controlled release systems for example). The teaching will be approached under its interdisciplinary aspect, combining issues related to chemistry, mechanics and biology. The fundamental aspects and the more applied aspects directly related to the main types of applications (cardiovascular, orthopaedic, dental, etc.) will be treated simultaneously.
This TU is aimed at students with a chemistry/materials profile.
Frédéric Prima (frederic.prima@sorbonne-universite.fr)
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
This TU addresses the field of heterogeneous catalysis from the perspective of the preparation and characterisation of the catalytic material, taking into account the transformations it undergoes during its synthesis and under reaction. The design of the catalytic material and the identification of the active site are crucial in the development of many chemical processes and this TU aims to give students the tools and strategies to link the development of the material to its activity. The catalytic applications chosen are related to processes with high industrial and societal stakes: valorization of fossil and renewable resources, CO2 valorization, depollution and fine chemistry.
Being able to identify the main ways of synthesizing inorganic complexes and materials, e.g. having followed courses in materials chemistry, inorganic materials, molecular inorganic chemistry.
Xavier Carrier (xavier.carrier@sorbonne-universite.fr)
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
The description of the structure of materials at several scales is essential to their understanding and optimization. Currently, spectroscopic and diffraction tools are undergoing very strong developments, both instrumental and methodological. The TU 5C 610 presents a set of advanced characterization methods to understand the local, semi-local and periodic order in the study of large classes of materials (polymers, ceramics, glass, hybrid materials, etc.). Three main axes are addressed: X-ray diffraction, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-ray spectroscopy techniques. A visit to the SOLEIL synchrotron is a concrete illustration of the last axis.
Locate the main material characterization techniques (NMR, DRX, IR...).
Define the essential notions of kinetics (speed law, reaction order...).
Christian Bonhomme (christian.bonhomme@sorbonne-universite.fr)
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
This course module consists of three parts: reminders or fundamentals on surfaces, advanced descriptions of experimental characterization and surface modeling techniques, placed in the context of their applications. The most common tools for surface characterization and modelling by: microscopy, spectroscopy and spectrometry (STM, AFM, LEED, XPS, ToF-SIMS, ...) and theoretical approach (DFT), are described, compared and shown in different material application fields: energy, catalysis, biomaterials, corrosion, microelectronics, aeronautics etc. This module should provide a complete set of knowledge to understand the chemistry of material surfaces. All students interested in materials, their reactivity, processes and/or analytical and theoretical chemistry are concerned by this module.
The student must master and know how to use the basic knowledge of physics and chemistry acquired in the first cycle of higher education and be able to read and understand scientific literature in English.
Monica Calatayud (monica.calatayud@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Molecular Chemistry track
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
This TU, at the borderline between organic chemistry, organometallic and organic catalysis and coordination chemistry, selects important methods of organic synthesis by detailing the mechanisms that govern these transformations. The course is divided into three blocks: a) Formation of C-C, C-N and C-O bonds via C-X and C-H activation, with particular attention to palladium chemistry; b) Formation of 5, 6, 7, and 8-membered cycles; c) Reduction, metathesis of olefins and synergistic metallo-organic catalysis. Hours of tutoring allow you to further deepen your knowledge.
Memorize and recognize the main organic transformations and elementary stages of organometallic chemistry at Master 1 level.
Understand the transition metal/ligand bonds at Master 1 level
Have a basic understanding of pallado-catalyzed cross coupling reactions.
Giovanni Poli (giovanni.poli@sorbonne-universite.fr)
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
The TU offers students in-depth training on the reactivity of the main reactive species (radicals, organometallic species, carbenes, nitrens and oxenes) used in modern organic synthesis. The main principles of reactivity are explored in correlation with the structure of these intermediaries. The benefits of these compounds in organic synthesis are explained by numerous examples of application, including recent developments in catalysis (photoredox in particular).
Have a good and broad knowledge of organic chemistry.
Fabrice Chemla (fabrice.chemla@sorbonne-universite.fr)
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
At the end of the training, the student will be able to explain the concepts of molecular recognition, self-assembly, dynamic combinatorial chemistry, and supramolecular chirality and recognize their applications in recent literature. He/she will also be able to take a critical look at this work and design improvements or extensions. Beyond that, we want to stimulate students' creativity and teach them to apply the concepts they have learned to new fields of application in organic, inorganic or biological chemistry.
Basic concepts of molecular chemistry and coordination.
Guillaume Vives (guillaume.vives@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Analytical, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry track
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2
Brief Description
Each description of a phenomenon at one scale will be related to the other scales. From there, the different analytical or numerical methods for modelling complex molecular systems will be discussed for these different scales, from the atom to the continuous medium.
The TU is aimed at students interested in theoretical aspects as well as students from various backgrounds who wish to use simulations to interpret experimental results.
Thermochemistry and electrochemistry - Kinetics - Fundamental principles of the statistical mechanics of equilibrium.
Rodolphe Vuilleumier (rodolphe.vuilleumier@sorbonne-universite.fr)
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2
Brief Description
At the end of this TU, which operates on a preceptorship basis in small groups, the student will have:
- completed his theoretical knowledge through experimental laboratory practice.
- refined its individual training plan to support its professional choices.
- reported on a set of experimental and theoretical practices in written and oral form.
- followed a theoretical and experimental learning process with specialists in the fields explored.
It may be required to follow specific courses of the Analytical, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry track.
Lahouari Krim (lahouari.krim@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Chemistry and Life Sciences track
2nd year Master - 1st Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required)
Brief Description
Learning goals:
- To reconstruct the behavior of living matter within an established physico-chemical framework;
- To locate the concepts and tools (experimental and computational) in the whole of physical chemistry for the analysis of complex biological systems;
- To formulate in precise scientific terms a scientific questioning and to evaluate its relevance according to the state of the art of knowledge and analysis tools.
- Background in Physical Chemistry (2nd/3rd year Bachelor)
- Statistical Thermodynamics (3rd year Bachelor)
- Chemical Kinetics (3rd year Bachelor)
Mathieu Morel (mathieu.morel@sorbonne-universite.fr)