Crous' social and financial assistance
The Centre Régional des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires de Paris (Crous) is the French government's operator for student well-being. A public administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, its mission is to help improve living conditions for students in the Paris academy, in particular through the management of financial and social aid.
Apply for a scholarship
To apply for a grant, you need to complete a Dossier social étudiant (DSE). Applications are made between January 20 and May 15 (for the next academic year) directly on the Crous website.
- Help with the EHR procedure: Applying for a grant based on social criteria
- Requesting an EHR: messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr
To assess your situation and complete your file before the commission, Crous social assistants welcome you at the Maison de la vie étudiante on the Pierre et Marie Curie campus.
Specific aid
Are you experiencing difficulty keeping up with your studies and student life? Under certain conditions, you may be eligible for special assistance from the Crous de Paris social service (annual allowance or one-off assistance).
The specific financial aid allocated by the Crous comes in response to a difficult social situation. These grants are subject to a social assessment. In view of this, the Crous de Paris social service does not grant aid on a systematic basis; its mission is to assist students with their social emergency requests and provide them with the appropriate response.
> Find out more
1 euro meals
Subject to a social assessment, students in precarious situations, even if they are not on a scholarship, can benefit from the 1 euro offer. If you are in this situation, you have until January 2 to apply online at epa.lescrous.fr.
Your application will be processed by your local Crous. After January 2, you will need to make an appointment with your Crous' social services department to review your situation and extend your request for a €1 meal.
Additional support
Find out about all the other Crous grants on the dedicated page of the Crous website.
Social support from Crous de Paris
The Crous social service welcomes you and listens to you, whatever your difficulties (social, family, psychological, financial...).
Our teams are on hand to help you find solutions to your problems throughout your studies.
/!\ Social Assistants do not manage the Dossier Social Etudiant (scholarships and housing). If you have any questions on this subject, please contact the scholarships and housing managers via the "assistance" section, by selecting the reason for your request.