Unfiltered Research
How do you show research in action? In partnership with Fisheye magazine, 7 photographers take a look at the daily lives of researchers at Sorbonne University.
From October 10th to November 4th
10:00 - 19:00
Atrium, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
4 place Jussieu, 75005 ParisFree entry
Recherche sans filtre : regard de photographes sur les sciences et les humanités
How do you show research in the making? From October 10, Sorbonne University, in partnership with Fisheye magazine, invites you to discover the viewpoints of seven photographers on 82 research projects, on an unprecedented scale and offering an original journey through six themes: the gestures, research tools and spaces, human relations, observation and data at the heart of the scientific process.
This exhibition is the brainchild of the SUAVES project, led by Sorbonne University and winner of the "Science with and for society" call for projects in 2022. With the exhibition scheduled to go on the road in 2025, the ambition of the project carried out since 2023 is to continue to promote scientific issues, methods and results to society outside the walls of Sorbonne University.
Photographers: Grégoire Delanos, Alban Lécuyer, Juliette Pavy, Guillaume Herbaut, Antoine Martin, Céline Lecomte et Virginie Merle.
Guided tours on Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13 at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.
Length of the visit: 45 minutes (in French)