SOI, the faculty's orientation and integration service

Be proactive in your training and professional future with the SOI

Sorbonne University's faculty of Science and Engineering's Orientation and Integration Service will advise and support you throughout your studies, helping you to develop your study project and prepare for your future career.

SOI, the faculty's orientation and integration service

SOI offers you

  • a personalized welcome
  • documentary resources on careers and job opportunities
  • help with orientation and/or reorientation
  • individual orientation interviews
  • individual or small group coaching
  • one-off events and activities

As soon as you arrive at SOI, you will be greeted by guidance and integration professionals who will:

  • analyze your needs and provide initial answers and advice,

  • depending on your needs, they can help you with your research and explore documentary resources, make an appointment with a psychologist from the French Ministry of Education or an integration officer, or take part in an orientation and/or integration workshop.

Service Orientation et Insertion (SOI)

Atrium Niveau St Bernard
Access via the Atrium library

Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 9:30am - 12:00pm / 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Friday: by appointment only