Le Master BIP en un coup d'oeil

Organization 1st year master

The first semester of M1 is organized around a core curriculum at Sorbonne University.
The second semester of M1 (pre-specialization) enables students to choose one of the M2 courses.
Please note: the Dual Master of Brain and Mind Sciences begins in M1 at UCL (University College of London).

Organization 1st year master

(18 ECTS)


(6 ECTS) from the EUs listed below



1 OPTIONAL EU (6 ECTS) from the EUs listed below


Physiopathologies Humaines (Plateformes ingénierie - Paris)


 Génomique des organismes marins (Station marine de Roscoff)

Neurosciences (Centre de formation pratique en biologie - Paris )

 Biologie du vieillissement et longévité (Centre de formation pratique en biologie - Paris )

 Physiopathologie cardiovasculaire (Centre de formation pratique en biologie - Paris)

 Alimentation et santé (Centre de formation pratique en biologie - Paris )


Second semester - S2

12 ECTS of compulsory training:

6 ECTS of training, to be chosen preferentially from:

12 ECTS - Compulsory internship in a research laboratory

12 ECTS of compulsory training:

6 ECTS of teaching, to be chosen preferentially from :

6 ECTS - UE hors contrat :

12 ECTS - Compulsory internship in a research laboratory

12 ECTS of compulsory training:

6 ECTS of teaching, to be chosen preferentially from :

6 ECTS - UE hors contrat :

12 ECTS - Compulsory internship in a research laboratory

Organization, course and internship schedules

M2 course schedules are available on the pages of each course.

1st SEMESTER 23-24: General schedule
M1S1 core curriculum - Schedule
Optional UE M1S1 - UE dates
-MU4BI030 - MU4BI004 - MU4BI002 - MU4BI029
-MU4BI007, at the Sorbonne, Fridays 4.30pm Amphi Le Verrier, staircase E, 3rd floor.
M1S1 Workshops: Schedules will be posted on Moodle by those in charge - UE dates - dates and sessions at BU

M1S1 exam schedule 1st session
1st test: ENGLISH, December 22, 11am to 1.30pm, Amphi A3
M1S1 exam schedule 2nd session

Programs for NeuroLabs, Physio.SU and Alumni Forum, October 19 and 20

2nd SEMESTER 23-24: S2 general schedule - S2 UE dates and numbers
ATRIUM DES MÉTIERS 2023 - Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - campus Pierre et Marie Curie

MU4BI012 - MU4BI013 - MU4BI014 - MU4BI015 - MU4BI018 - MU4BI019 - MU4BI020 - MU4BI021 - MU4BI031 - MU4BI035 - MU4BM359 - MU4BI032

M1S2 exam schedule 1st session :

  • Semester results are published on your ENT
  • Details of exam management can be found on Moodle.

The M1 internship course (12 ECTS) must take place in a research laboratory. Duration: 2 to 4 months.
Proposals for internships in France are available on Moodle.

For more information (Moodle).


M1 course manager

Isabelle Limon


Laurence Bonnet-Lericque

Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1ere étage - Bureau 105
9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05