Human Physiology and Pathophysiology track - PPH
This program gives students a precise vision of modern physiology and associated pathophysiology. It enables them to enter biomedical research and related professions. During the second semester of M1, students focus on the human body’s major functions. These foundations enable M2 students to grasp the molecular and cellular origins of the pathologies covered in the course, as well as current and developing therapeutic approaches.
The engineering platform option (PPH-PI) provides an understanding of both human physiology and pathophysiology, and the technologies used to study these fields. PPH teaching is reinforced by practical training for various technology platforms at Sorbonne University’s institutes and research centers, covering aspects linked to technological design, programming and data analysis. The PI option trains scientists to design, develop and manage projects that require cutting-edge technological skills with technology platforms for the study of physiological and pathological processes. On completion of the PPH-PI training program, students can join research laboratories, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, or pursue post-graduate studies (doctorate or other).
Courses titled in English can be taught in English
Key words : physiology - pathophysiology - metabolism - homeostasis - inflammation
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Conduct pathophysiological research to understand the physical, cellular or biochemical mechanisms that lead to the onset of disease and its consequences.
- Carry out experiments and identify the mechanisms by which a treatment could restore normal function to the affected organ or tissue.
- Organize theoretical interpretations of experiments and analyses.
- Disseminate and promote results in the form of oral presentations and scientific publications, in French and English.
Applications for M2 are open from March 28 to June 13 on the e-candidat platform.
First year 2nd semester
Mandatory courses (6 ou 12 ECTS)
- MU4BI012 - Physiologie cardiovasculaire, rénale et respiratoire (6 ECTS)
- MU4BI014 - Régulation intégrée de la balance énergétique (6 ECTS)
- MU4BI015 - Physiologie digestive (6 ECTS)
Optional courses (12 ou 6 ECTS)
- MU4BI013 - Exploration des fonctions physiologiques du petit animal (6 ECTS)
- MU4BI020 - Vieillissement : de la biologie aux enjeux sociétaux (6 ECTS)
- MU4BI031 - Outils de biologie et d'analyses moléculaires appliqués (6ECTS)
- MU4BI033 - Python for physiology modelling (PyPM) (6 ECTS)
UE hors contrat
Internship (12 ECTS)
Second year
M2-S3 (30 ECTS)
3 mandatory courses (12 ECTS)
- MU5BIP12 - Appel à projet / Project research (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIP14 - PPH2 (3 ECTS) : choix d'un thème parmi les 2 suivants :
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Physiopathologies hépatiques - MU5BIP13 - PPH2 (3 ECTS) : choix d'un thème parmi les 3 suivants :
- Lung diseases
- Physiopathologies métaboliques
- Physiopathologies rénales
Optional courses (18 ECTS)
- MU5BIP05 - Cancer et environnement (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIP15 - Drug odyssey (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIP06 - Endocrinologie: de la cellule à l'organisme (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIP16 - Initiation in bio engineering (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIP04 - Maladies inflammatoires : de la physiopathologie aux nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIP03 - Nutrigénomique (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIP07 - Sciences and society (6 ECTS)
MU5BIN21 - Physiopathology of sensory diseases and translationnal research (6 ECTS)
Additional course (6 ECTS)
M2-S4 (30 ECTS)
Lecture's schedules & internship
- Internship in France
The list of internship offers is posted on the M2 "Internship Offers" page of this website. If the student finds an internship in another company or laboratory that is not on the list but willing to accept them, they must submit this offer to the course leader for approval.
Please read these tutorials carefully before completing your internship agreement.
Procedure for internship agreements
Procedure for pedagogical internship agreements
Note for medical interns :
FAQ Documents Internship Interns in Medicine
Note on the amendment to the internship agreement
Internship and Teaching Agreements
Non-SU laboratory internship agreement - Hors SU
SU-affiliated laboratory internship agreement
Teaching agreement in French
- Internship abroad
As soon as the academic year begins, it is strongly recommended that students start looking for internships in laboratories or companies abroad. The course leaders and/or mobility managers, Prof. Gaël Orieux and Prof. Eric Schwartz, have a list of European or North American laboratories/companies that have hosted our students for M1 and/or M2 internships. They can help you if necessary.
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1ere Etage - Porte 105
+33 (0)1 44 27 23 81
9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05