International Master of Vision Sciences - iMOV

Vision loss is the most life altering health issue in humans, and yet, due in part to the aging of population, the global number of visually impaired patients steadily increase. It is projected to reach 500 million people worldwide in 2040. It is then a major interest for research to tackle this challenge and identify new treatments and preventive therapies for the various diseases related to this evolution.
The Vision Institute in Paris ( is at the forefront of fundamental, translational and clinical research to help alleviate patients from visual related afflictions. Its unique setting in close relationship with the XV-XX ophthalmological hospital allows research projects to transit from bench to bedside. This and the very high quality of the research lead to the creation of the new IHU (Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire) FOReSIGHT. Sorbonne University and the Vision Institute have been collaborating with the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) to create an international master program on vision sciences. This program covers all different aspects of vision sciences. It goes from human studies to computational models of vision information processing and also includes the physiology and physiopathology of the different ocular tissues and development of innovative therapeutical strategies for treating, compensating or preventing vision loss.

iMOV is accesible to :
- all neurosciences M2 students
- M1 students in the vision sciences program of UNAM.
For M1 students in vision sciences in Mexico: if you follow the M2 program in France, you will obtain a double degree one from Sorbonne University and the other one from UNAM.
For M1 students from BIP: you can apply for an internship or a full semester of mobility in Mexican laboratories during the second semester of M1.

Master 2
M2S3 (30 ECTS)
- MU5BIN01 - Developing a reseach project (6 ECTS)
- MU5BINV1 - Vision from retina to primary visual cortex (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIN20 - Physiology of perception (6 ECTS)
- MU5BIN21 - Physiopathology of sensory diseases and translational research (6 ECTS)
- Optional course unit (6 ECTS)
- MU5BN16 - Hormonal brain and behaviors
- MU5BIN17 - Molecular Neuropharmacology
- MU5BIN17 - Neuronglia interactions
- MU5BIN17 - Memory and spatial navigation
- MU5BIN16 - Hippocampus
- MU5BIN16 - Imaging of the visual cortex
- M2S4: Master’s thesis (30 ECTS)
- Sorbonne University host laboratories
- UNAM Host laboratories
All classes are taught in english. M2S3 classes start in November and end in January.
If you want to apply, select iMOV on the application site and contact the head of the program, Dr. Grégory Gauvain.
Candidates will be interviewed.
Yolotzin Mariana GarciaThe Master in Vision Science was one of the best experiences I could have had. I worked in multicultural and multidisciplinary laboratories that allowed me to increase my knowledge and techniques, open my mind to different types of learning, teaching and understanding. I understood that there is no only one way of doing things, but many ways to solve a problem. You just have to listen and learn to work as a team, in addition to being independent to make decisions and move forward. It was a real honor to be part of the first generation. It was a great experience.
Daniela Castro FaríasIt was a high quality program with professors who are true experts in their fields. I’m very pleased to say that my time in research has continued since I finished the masters. Currently I'm working in collaboration with Lariboisière Hospital on a project investigating Neurovascular coupling. I believe that this program should continue not only because it enhances the relation between Mexico and France, but also offers a great opportunity for students from different backgrounds to come together and build enriching research teams.
Secretarial services
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1ere Etage - Porte 105
+33 (0)1 44 27 47 76
9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05