iMIND: International Master in Neurodegerenative diseases

Understanding the human brain functions and pathologies represents one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Brain disorders pose an enormous burden on society and associated costs represent more than one-third of all disease-related spending in Europe.
There has never been a more critical time to push the boundaries of knowledge onthe brain and the diseases that affect it. The situation is particularly critical for neurodegenerative pathologies that affect so many members of our aging population.

The International Master in Neurodegenerative Diseases (iMIND) is an international and multidisciplinary programme that is built in partnership between the Brain and Spine Institute, Sorbonne University, University of Vienna, KU Leuven, and the Technical University of Munich.

Programme structure

The iMIND master 2 track combines coursework necessary for the understanding and the study of neurodegenerative diseases (M2 year, semester 3) and a master’s thesis related to a research internship in a laboratory preferentially from one of the partner universities (M2 year, semester 4).

A First Year Masters (M1) in Science or an equivalent is required to access the iMIND M2 programme.




Semester 3  (S3)

Conception of a research project


Glial pathologies and neurodegenerative diseases


Novel technologies applied to human neuropathologies


Hot topics: transdisciplinary approaches to neurodegenerative diseases 6
Brain to market summer school 6

Semester 4 (S4)

Master's thesis


* This core programme can be modified depending on the student's specific educational goals, and may include other courses from the Neuroscience M2 curriculum. Please note that this programme is offered in English.

Student mobility

Our international partner universities for this programme are:



Hélène Cheval