Master’s Degree in Mechatronic Systems for Rehabilitation (MSR)

  • Course duration: Two-years
  • Language of instruction: Partly in English
  • Course locations: France, Italy

Programme Overview

In partnership with Brescia University (Italy), Sorbonne University proposes an international master’s that is unique in France and that focuses on designing mechatronic systems conceived in interaction with the human body.

Programme Outline

MSR is a two-year master’s degree (120 ECTS):

  • Year 1= M1

  • Year 2= M2


The first year is focused on teaching the basics of mechatronics to students who will develop skills to be able to manage any mechatronics system driven by a computer or a micro-controller.


In the second year, students are introduced to concepts of human-machine interaction and human posture and behaviour that are required to develop a mechatronics system that can rehabilitate a person (diagnosis support, monitoring, functional rehabilitation and motor assistance):

  • Mechanical design driven by safety needs,
  • Actuators control and integration,
  • Platform instrumentation to collect data,
  • Signal and image processing for therapy and medical monitoring purposes.
1st semester

In Paris
Learning the basics of mechatronics: Mechanic, Electronics, Automatic, Computer Science

2nd semester

In Brescia
Analysis and modeling of mechatronics and bio-mechanic systems.

3rd semester

In Paris
Design of systems for diagnosis, rehabilitation and daily life re-adaptation.

4th semester

In France, Italy or abroad
Training period in a research laboratory/unit or in a Company.

Benefits from attending the programme

  • Skills developed during this programme are related to medical environments and systems and can be transferred to daily life technologies such as sport equipment, transports, interactive games, robotics, etc.


Graduate Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Science & Engineering, Sorbonne University