Evolutionary and Functional Ecology (EEF)
Ecological sciences are structured around two complementary approaches. Functional ecology is concerned with ecological and biophysical processes (chemical element cycles and energy flows, carbon and nitrogen storage) and the functioning and dynamics of populations and ecosystems. It seeks to understand how physico-chemical constraints influence the functioning and dynamics of ecosystems and landscapes, and equally, how organisms influence these cycles. Evolutionary ecology is concerned with understanding particular types of behavior, life history and demography by considering the mechanisms of evolution and adaptation through natural selection.
The Evolutionary and Functional Ecology (EEF) program trains future researchers who are capable of mastering these concepts and understanding the issues at stake in these fields.
To train researchers and teacher-researchers in basic ecology (evolutionary and functional) who understand the challenges of research in this field and who have mastered the concepts and fine mechanisms of ecology and modern scientific methods (scientific approach, experimentation, modeling, creativity and publications).
- Master the concepts and fine mechanisms in ecology
- Scientific approaches, methodologies, experimentation, modeling, creativity, publications
- Basic research themes in ecology:
- Behavioral ecology
- Population and ecosystem dynamics
- Large biogeochemical cycles.
- Impact of global changes.
- Understand the stakes of this research.
The EEF program is supported and managed by a close partnership between Sorbonne University, the MNHN and the Université Paris-Saclay. Each partner makes a significant contribution to the teaching, as specified below. Sorbonne University students also have access to UEs that are only offered by the partners as part of an enhanced and diversified program.
Target audience and prerequisites
This training is intended for students with a Bachelor's degree in biology or equivalent (with a focus on organism biology and ecology), who have a solid knowledge of scientific disciplines and a strong interest in research, understanding the functioning and evolution of populations and ecosystems, and the preservation of biodiversity.
Applications will be reviewed based on 3 types of criteria:
- the quality of the candidate’s academic record, mainly in ecology and biology of organisms but also in other scientific disciplines such as statistics (level of training, transcripts)
- the relevance and coherence of the training project (motivations and adequacy of the candidate's profile in relation to the targeted professional outlets)
- experience acquired in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology (choice of complementary courses, internships, professional or extra-professional activities)
- Academic research (researchers / teacher-researchers): Public research institutes (universities, Grandes Ecoles, Museum, CNRS, CIRAD, INRA, IRD, ENGREF).
- Non-academic professions: Private sector companies (environment, phytosanitary, agri-food).
Responsible for the course
Nadia FOKA
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Département de SDUEE
Tour 46-00, 1er étage
Case courrier 210
4, place Jussieu
75005 Paris