Computer Networks: Internet, Cybersecurity, Cloud and Automation (RES)
The Computer Networks (RES) course offers a high-level training that covers all the topics necessary to master the techniques and technologies used in current networks and their evolution. It deals with current issues such as network security, mobility, connected objects and data science for networks.
The course offers four tracks:
- a classical course providing the widest choice of UEs,
- two apprenticeship programs with the CFA INSTA,
- an international track in English integrated into the DIGIT course.
The RES course aims to train specialists in communication networks, capable not only of mastering today's communication systems, but also of designing and developing the systems of tomorrow. It aims to give students a theoretical, technical and practical knowledge of the world of networks and to introduce them to technological developments.
The training offers a balance between teaching units (UEs) of a theoretical nature, which aim to provide solid foundations and a capacity to adapt to the rapid technological changes in the field, and UEs of a more technical nature with more direct applications to the network technologies currently used or those to come in the near future. The structure of this program and the optional nature of certain courses allow for the creation of varied profiles adapted to the broad spectrum of activities in the field of networks. Thus, the teaching provided by the course trains future network specialists, engineers or researchers capable of adapting to the rapid changes in the field.
After a first year based on significant sharing of courses with the other courses in the Master's of Computer Science, the classical program allows students to progress towards the professional world, whether it be research or industry. The student can therefore acquire a thematic introduction to disciplines related to networks before specializing in the second year.
The first year M1 of the RES program complements the fundamentals of the discipline, transversal to the Computer Science master's degree, and introduces a specialization. It is therefore based on a common curriculum that offers an important combination of teachings within the other courses of the Computer Science master.
The year is composed of two distinct semesters (S1 and S2), insofar as they must be validated independently of each other. During each semester, the student must follow a number of UEs corresponding to 30 ECTS, each UE generally corresponds to 60 hours of teaching (generally 20 hours of courses + 40 hours of TD/TP) and is worth 6 ECTS.
First semester (M1-S1)
In semester M1-S1, students follow 6 UEs, including 2 compulsory UEs proposed by the RES course, 2 specific UEs and 2 UEs that can be chosen among those proposed by the other courses of the Master in Computer Science.
The 2 compulsory UEs are:
- ARES (Network Architecture, 6 ECTS)
- RTEL (Telecommunications networks, 6 ECTS)
The 2 specific UE are :
- An English course: ANG, 3 ECTS
- PROGRES (Network programming, 3 ECTS)
The 2 recommended optional courses must be chosen (subject to availability) among:
- SIGNAL (Signal processing - UE of the SESI course realized in collaboration with the RES course, 6 ECTS)
- ARCHI (Processor Architecture and Optimization - UE of the SESI course, 6 ECTS)
- MOGPL (Modeling, Optimization, Graphs and Linear Programming - UE of the ANDROIDE course, 6 ECTS)
- NOYAU (Advanced architecture of system kernels - UE of the SAR path, 6 ECTS)
- PSCR (Concurrent and Distributed System Programming - UE of the SAR path, 6 ECTS)
- any UE of the global UE catalog of the Computer Science master, subject to validation by the course director (and compatibility of the timetable).
Second semester (M1-S2)
In the M1-S2 semester, students take 6 UEs, 4 of which must belong to the RES pathway according to the following modalities:
- A computer network project: PRES2, 6 ECTS
- A "Fundamentals" type UE to be chosen between:
- ALGORES (Network Algorithms, 6 ECTS)
- COMNUM (Digital communications, 6 ECTS)
- A "Technical" courses to be chosen between:
- MOB (Mobility and Wireless, 6 ECTS)
- SEV (Simulation, Emulation and Virtualization, 6 ECTS)
- Two UE to be chosen from the UE of RES (above) or from other courses (subject to availability):
- SAM (Storage and Access to Megadata - UE of the DAC course)
- ISEC (Introduction to security - UE of the SFPN course)
- IOC (Interface for communicating objects - UE of the SESI course)
- SAS (Security and System Administration - UE of the SAR pathway)
- SRCS (Distributed and Client/Server Systems - UE of the SAR path)
The objective of the second year of the RES Master's program is to provide students with specialized skills in the field of networks and telecommunications.
The M2 year is composed of two independent semesters (S3 and S4), as they must be validated independently of each other.
Third semester (M2-S3)
In S3, students follow 5 UEs, of 6 ECTS each:
- ANET (Autonomic networks)
- CELL (Cellular networks)
- DAAR (Development of reticular application algorithms)
- IoB (Internet of Blockchain)
- ITQOS (Traffic Engineering and Quality of Service)
- MEPS (Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Systems)
- GAN (Graph Analysis and Network measurement)
- NEVA (Network evolution with virtualization and automation)
- SECRES (Network Security)
All courses may be taught in English.
The choice of courses is limited due to the availability of places.
Fourth semester (M2-S4)
During S4, the student undertakes an internship lasting between 5 and 6 months. The internship UE is worth 27 ECTS, the remaining 3 ECTS integrate the results of the UE IP (Professional integration).
Target audience and prerequisites
The RES program is mainly aimed at students with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (or equivalent). Nevertheless, admissions will be possible in M1 and M2 for candidates in continuing education who may be applying under the Validation of Acquired Knowledge and Experience (VAE), and in the second year of the Master's program, for students who have completed their first year of the Master's program in another French university, or for students who hold an engineering degree and wish to specialize. Within the framework of inter-institutional agreements, the program is also open to engineering students in M2 who are in their final year of school.
The prerequisites for acceptance into the Master's program are based on knowledge and concepts acquired at the level of the Bachelor of Computer Science. They are centered on basic network concepts, but good knowledge of operating systems and programming techniques (application, local and distributed) is also necessary. In addition, basic knowledge of computer hardware architecture is recommended.
The opportunities concern the industrial world as much as academia.
The sectors accessible to graduates are naturally and primarily those of telecommunications, computer activities and services provided to companies; given the explosion of computer and telecommunications networks, we must add all sectors using them (transportation, energy, heavy industry, services, administration, etc.).
The types of jobs available are related to research and development in the field of networks and telecommunications: R&D engineer, network architect, telecom engineer, security expert, network and telecommunications consultant, system and network administrator, project manager, operations manager, integrator, etc.
Opportunities in the academic world relate to pursuing a doctorate.
The application procedure for the RES track of the Master of Computer Science depends on your situation:
- You are French, European or a foreigner outside the EU but have been living in France for at least one year:
You can apply in spring via the national master portal (https://www.trouvermonmaster.gouv.fr/).
- You are a foreigner outside Europe and do not reside in Europe:
your country of residence is part of the Campus France network and you must apply through its procedure. Your application will be rejected if you use eCandidat. Applications are open from October to December.
- Your country of residence is not covered by the Campus France network: you can apply through the eCandidat procedure like a European student, but you will need to obtain a visa to come to France.
To orient yourself according to your situation as a foreign student, please see the CampusFrance website

Person in charge
Sebastien BAEY
Kim-Loan THAI
Couloir 24-25, 2e étage, bureau 221
Case courrier 166
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05