Exemple de code python

Data Modeling & Analysis - MAD (Systems Biology)

Modelling & Data Analysis - MAD -  is a multidisciplinary track whose objective is to developp multi-skills in biology / mathematics / computer science in order to train students to be autonomous in modeling / data integration problems in the field of biomedical for biotech companies but also research laboratories.

Keywords: Mathematical modeling - Physiologie - Computational neuroscience -- Data science 

Data Modeling & Analysis - MAD (Systems Biology)


This multi-disciplinary program will develop greater interaction between integrative biology and disciplines such as computer science and mathematics, to meet the major challenges of "big data", new technologies, the human machine interface, and modeling in healthcare and the life sciences more generally.

This program emphasizes systemic and integrative data, and therefore does not focus on 'omic' data. It enables students to discover broad disciplinary fields involving modeling and simulation at the organismal scale.


Applications for M2 are open from March 28 to June 13 on the e-candidat platform.

Second year

 M2-S3 (30 ECTS)

3 mandatory courses (15 ECTS)

Optional courses  (15 ECTS)

M2-S4 (30 ECTS)


Lecture's schedules & internship

  • Internship in France

The list of internship offers is posted on the M2 "Internship Offers" page of this website. If the student finds an internship in another company or laboratory that not on the list but willing to accept them, they must submit this offer to the course leader for approval.

Tutorials : Please read these tutorials carefully before completing your internship agreement.
Procedure for internship agreements
Procedure for pedagogical internship agreements

Note for medical interns:
How to choose between an internship agreement and an educational internship agreement?
 Note on the rider to the internship agreement

Internship and Teaching Agreements:
Non-SU laboratory internship agreement - Outside SU
SU-affiliated laboratory internship agreement

  • Internship abroad

As soon as the academic year begins, it is strongly recommended that students start looking for internships in laboratories or companies abroad. The course leaders and/or mobility managers, Prof. Gaël Orieux and Prof. Eric Schwartz, have a list of European or North American laboratories/companies that have hosted our students for M1 and/or M2 internships. They can help you if necessary.

Click on the link to find out more about internships abroad

The schedule is available here.
It will be updated regularly.


Course manager

Hédi Soula


Veronique De Surirey

Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1ère étage - Porte 105
+33 (0)1 44 27 47 76

9, quai Saint Bernard
Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05