Energy and Environment Program
The Energy and Environment pathway of the Master of Mechanics at Sorbonne University offers a complete master's program (M1 and M2). This pathway trains students in the fundamental transfer mechanisms encountered in energy production and conversion systems. The approach of this training is twofold: to increase fundamental knowledge and to contribute to solving major societal problems, with particular emphasis on energy and environmental transition.
The two levels M1 and M2 lead to sector-based themes in the second year, including an apprenticeship course (CFA Mécavenir - Puteaux).
We offer several thematic pathways:
- AIR: Aerodynamics and Environmental Impact
- CLEANER: Combustion, limitation of associated emissions, new energies and resources
- OMEBA: Tools and methods for zero-energy buildings
- And the OPEN course: Energy optimization and sustainable systems (learning), which will resume in semester 3 with one of the three introductory pathways AERIEN, CLEANER or OMEBA
Please register for this master via the following link:: registration
General presentation
The Energy and Environment Program aims to develop expertise in the fields of energy, combustion, new energies and resources, as well as energy efficiency and conversion. This expertise will cover sectors such as land and air transport, building and housing, and industrial flows. All of these sectors have significant potential to reduce our environmental impact.
This knowledge is provided via a common curriculum that covers aspects of modelling, simulation, experimentation and the design of innovative systems by proposing analysis, optimization and modeling tools specific to each area. This involves modeling turbulent flows, combustion and its pollutant reduction aspects, heat transfer and energy optimization ( for many energy conversion systems), while seeking to reduce the environmental footprint of the energy mix (renewable energies, fossil fuels, biofuels, geothermal, solar, etc.).
The program employs numerous speakers from the world of research or industry through a series of seminars (EDF, CEREMA, Renault, LSCE - Lab. of Climate and Environmental Sciences, Air Liquide, ONERA ) or business-oriented courses (ONERA, IFPEN, Renault, INRAE, Heig -VD), providing the opportunity to use industrial calculation codes such as CEDRE (ONERA), Pléiades Comfie (CES - Mines de Paris), Modelica , Star CCM+ or ANSYS-Fluent.
(Please see below for blocks per semester)
In the first year, the training includes units that are common to all courses of the master's degree in Mechanics (common core) and introductory units linked to the courses in M1 & M2.
The EE course also offers apprenticeship training (OPEN Energy optimization and sustainable systems), in partnership with the CFA- Mécavenir , which is available from the first year.
Target audience and prerequisites
Scientific knowledge in mechanics, physics, thermodynamics and/or applied mathematics is required to be accepted into this program.
First Year :
- Holders of a general bachelor of Mechanics, Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics
- Must have a solid background in Mechanics, Physics or Mathematics
Second Year :
- Holders of a Master 1 or equivalent in Energetics, Mechanics and Physics
- Student in the final year of engineering school with training in these disciplines
- Holders of an engineering degree with solid knowledge of Energetics, Mechanics and Physics
All introductory courses take place at Sorbonne University’s Pierre and Marie Curie campus. For apprenticeship training, some of the courses are offered by the SUPII MECAVENIR apprenticeship center in Puteaux.
An initial set of courses provides the fundamentals of mechanics (mechanics of fluids, solids, vibrations, numerical methods and signal processing) and constitutes the common base of all specialties of the SPI master.
A second set of courses provides energy engineering tools by addressing the formalities of thermodynamics, heat, energy conversion, combustion and fluid mechanics of conversion machines. The modeling of simple and complex systems (energy converter) is based on observation, modelling, analysis and experimentation, making it possible to test the theory. This unit includes many sessions based on the use of digital tools and practical experiences.
Finally, there are courses devoted to professional integration and developing foreign language skills, as well as a one-year internship in a company or laboratory.
Semester 1
MU4MEM03 Waves and vibrations (6ECTS)
MU4MEN01 Scientific calculation, signals and data processing (6ECTS)
MU4MEM01 Mechanics of solid and fluid continuums (6ECTS)
MU4MEOI1 Professional integration (6ECTS)
MU4MEE01 Fundamentals of energy efficiency (6ECTS)
MU4MEE03 Engineering energetic mechanics (3ECTS)
Semester 2
MU4MEE02: Renewable energy engineering (6ECTS)
MU4MEE04: Combustion – Energetics and environmental impacts (6ECTS)
MU4MEE06: Turbulence and Transfer – Energetic and environmental applications (6ECTS)
MUAMEM02: Digital methods for dynamics (6ECTS)
MU4LV002: Language (3ECTS)
MU4MESO2: Internship (6ECTS)
The AIR program offers students advanced training that enables them to access, either directly or after doctoral training, the many sectors of activity related to aerospace propulsion and aeronautics, but also energy, fluid mechanics and combustion. The training aims to develop each student’s capacity to work in all areas of physics, modeling and simulation around aeronautical applications.
Second year
Semester 3
MU5MEE01: Energy challenges of the 21st century (6ECTS)
MU5MEE02: Digital simulation for energy engineering (6ECTS)
MU5MEE04: Radiative and convective transfers: modeling and simulation (6ECTS)
MU5MEE05: Modeling of turbulent flows (6ECTS)
MU5MEE09: Aero-acoustics and energy of aeronautical engines (6ECTS)
Semester 4
Foreign language (3 ECTS)
Internship (27 ECTS) in a company or laboratory for five to six months.
Georges GEROLYMOS ( Pr )
The CLEANER program (combustion, emissions control, new energies and resources) provides the knowledge necessary for energy conversion applications with high specific power (land, air and space transport; electricity and heating production based on chemical energy). The problematic scarcity of primary resources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are also considered.
Physics, modeling and simulation, with a focus on global energy balances for energy conversion such as alternative resources, fundamental aspects of alternative fuel combustion, and discussions about new combustion methods, are key to the program. The training is divided between an advanced theoretical component, application via digital projects on CEDRE (ONERA), Matlab and GERRIS, and experimental projects.
Second year
Semester 3
MU5MEE01: Energy challenges of the 21st century (6ECTS)
MU5MEE03: Fuels for energy transition (6ECTS)
MU5MEE06: Aero-thermo-chemical modeling, land and aircraft propulsion applications (6ECTS)
MU5MEE09: Aero-acoustics and energetics of aeronautical engines (6ECTS)
MU5MEE12: Storage of electrical energy in automobiles and its challenges (6ECTS)
Semester 4
Foreign language (3 ECTS)
Internship (27 ECTS) in a company or laboratory for five to six months
Philippe GUIBERT (Pr)
The OMEBA program (tools and methods for zero-energy buildings) concerns the building sector and thermal systems. This program provides a solid grounding in thermal engineering, enabling students to understand the problems of industrial systems in their environment. Energy optimization of buildings and systems in the light of new regulations is at the heart of scientific debate, but it is also the subject of a professional approach through the use of several software packages such as Pléiades-Comfie and Modelica.
New approaches to designing positive-energy buildings are developed through detailed work on heating and cooling systems, and the use of renewable energies (solar, geothermal, etc.).
Second year program
Semester 3
MU5MEE01: Energy challenges of the 21st century (6ECTS)
MU5MEE04: Radiative and convective transfers: modeling and simulation (6ECTS)
MU5MEE05: Modeling of turbulent flows (6ECTS)
MU5MEE07: Energy systems and buildings: optimization and diagnosis (6ECTS)
MU5MEE08: Confortable heating that is highly energy efficient (6ECTS)
Semester 4
Foreign language (3 ECTS)
Internship (27 ECTS) in a company or laboratory for five to six months
The Energy Optimization and Sustainable Systems (OPEN) program is a two-year apprenticeship in the Energy and Environment Master's program.:
The program aims to train future industry executives to:
- design energy systems and processes, anticipating the strategic challenges posed by the development of new energies;
- grasp the prospects of economic and managerial change raised by industrial ecology in product life cycle projects, from design to recycling;
- work in project teams.
This program, offered in partnership with CFA SUPii Mecavenir, is part of a two-year apprenticeship contract. The work-study schedule divides the week between classes and on-the-job training.
First year program
Semester 1
MU4MEV01: Modeling of fluid and solid media CFA (6ECTS)
MU4MEV03: Waves and vibrations CFA (6ECTS)
MU4MEV07: Acoustics and signal processing, digital methods CFA (6ECTS)
MU4MEVxx: Assessment in the workplace (6ECTS)
MU4MEE01: Fundamentals of energy efficiency (3ECTS)
MU4MEE03: Mechanical energy engineering (3ECTS)
Semester 2
MU4MEE02: Renewable energy engineering (6ECTS)
MU4MEE04: Combustion – Energetics and environmental impacts (6ECTS)
MU4MEE06: Turbulence and Transfer – Energy and environmental applications (6ECTS)
MU4LV002: Language (3ECTS)
MU4MEVxx: Evaluation in the workplace (9ECTS)
Second year program
Semester 3
Students must choose one of the introductory courses within AERIEN, CLEANER and OMEBA (30ECTS)
Semester 4
MU5MEV01: Design of sustainable systems (6ECTS)
MU5MEV02: Strategic management and English language (6ECTS)
MU5MEV03: Industrial marketing (3ECTS)
MU5MEV04: End of study project (15ECTS)
Please see the course page on the CFA SUPii website Mecavenir.
The program is open to people under 30 years old, who have completed a scientific or technological course such as:
- A bachelor of science in physics, chemistry, mechanics or equivalent (for Master 1).
- A Master 1 or a Diploma in engineering (for Master 2).
Eligibility is based the student's application and an individual interview by a joint Sorbonne University / CFA SUPii panel.
Definitive admission is conditional on signing an apprenticeship contract with a host company.
On completion of this program, students will be eco-energy specialists who can take up a wide range of positions: energy engineer, energy production operations engineer, process engineer, network operator engineer, business manager in the energy sector, design and consulting engineer.
Sectors of activity:
Energy conversion for land, air and space transportation, electricity generation, building and housing industries (air conditioning, ventilation, heating, polygeneration), instrumentation and scientific computing, new energies.
Mehdi Mojtabi
Patrick Da Costa
Professional integration
Career opportunities:
After obtaining the master's degree, students graduating from the Energy and Environment program will be able to pursue a doctorate in university laboratories or in public or private research centres.
Graduates go on to work for major industrial groups in the energy sector (renewable, fossil, nuclear), or in the use of energy (conversion and production, rail and automotive land transport, aeronautics, construction, etc.), or in design and consultancy offices linked to these industrial sectors.
The program offers an apprenticeship focused on the life cycle of products for sustainable design. Owing to its generic approach, the training covers all sectors of activity that are committed to sustainable development.
Sectors of activity:
- New and renewable energies, energy production and conversion
- Land, aeronautical and space transportation
- Process engineering, combustion, pollution control
- Thermal, energy or climate engineering design offices
- Building construction and renovation sector
- Local authority
- Study and consulting firm
- Inspection agency
Course leaders
Bâtiment Esclangon - bureau 235
Responsable Apprentissage
Patrick DA COSTA
Responsables du Master 1
Isabelle VALLET & Patrick DA COSTA
Responsable M2 - AERIEN
Responsable M2 - CLEANER
Responsable M2 - OMEBA
Informations Utiles
Détail par UE du contrôle des connaissances
ECTS SEMESTRE | Contrôle des connaissances (%) | |||||||
UE | Libellé des Ues M1 M2 | ECTS | SEM | Parc. | Ecrit | T.P. | Proj. Oral |
C.C. |
MU4MEM03 | Ondes et vibrations | 6 | S1 | M1 | 70 | 30 | ||
MU4MEV03 | Ondes et vibrations (MECAVENIR CFA) | 6 | S1 | M1 | 40 | 20 | 40 | |
MU4MEN01 | Calcul scientifique, Traitement du signal et des données | 6 | S1 | M1 | 37.5 | 12.5 | 50 | |
MU4MEV07 | Acoustique et traitement du signal, méthodes numériques (MECAVENIR CFA) | 6 | S1 | M1 | 60 | 15 | 25 | |
MU4MEM01 | Mécanique des milieux continus Solides et Fluides | 6 | S1 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU4MEV01 | Modélisation des milieux fluides et solides (MECAVENIR CFA) | 6 | S1 | M1 | 70 | 30 | ||
MU4MEOI1 | OIP - S1 | 3 | S1 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU4MEVxx | Evaluation en milieu professionnel | 3 | S1 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU4MEE01 | Fondements de l’efficacité énergétique | 6 | S1 | M1 | 70 | 30 | ||
MU4MEE03 | Ingénierie Mécanique Energétique | 3 | S1 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU4MEE02 | Ingénierie des énergies renouvelables | 6 | S2 | M1 | 40 | 60 | ||
MU4MEE04 | Combustion - Energétique et impact environnemental | 6 | S2 | M1 | 30 | 20 | 25 | 25 |
MU4MEE06 | Turbulence et Transfert : Applications Energétiques et Environnementales | 6 | S2 | M1 | 85 | 15 | ||
MUAMEM02 | Méthodes numériques pour la dynamique | 3 | S2 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU4LV002 | Langue | 3 | S2 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU4MESO2 | Stage | 6 | S2 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU4MEVxx | Evaluation en milieu professionnel | 9 | S2 | M1 | 100 | |||
MU5MEE01 | Défis énergétique du 21eme siècle | 6 | S3 | M2 | 80 | 20 | ||
MU5MEE02 | Simulation numérique pour l’ingénierie énergétique | 6 | S3 | M2 | 50 | 30 | 20 | |
MU5MEE03 | Carburants pour la transition énergétique | 6 | S3 | M2 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 10 |
MU5MEE04 | Transferts radiatifs et convectifs : modélisation et simulation | 6 | S3 | M2 | 65 | 15 | 20 | |
MU5MEE05 | Modélisation des Ecoulements turbulents | 6 | S3 | M2 | 60 | 40 | ||
MU5MEE06 | Modélisation aérothermochimique, applications aux propulsions terrestre et aéronautique | 6 | S3 | M2 | 50 | 15 | 35 | |
MU5MEE07 | Aspects physiques, numériques et règlementaires de la modélisation des bâtiments | 6 | S3 | M2 | 50 | 50 | ||
MU5MEE08 | Confort thermique à haute efficacité énergétique | 6 | S3 | M2 | 40 | 20 | 40 | |
MU5MEE09 | Aéroacoustique et énergétique des moteurs aéronautiques | 6 | S3 | M2 | 60 | 20 | 20 | |
MU5MEE10 | Systèmes énergétiques efficients | 6 | S3 | M2 | 50 | 50 | ||
MU5MEExx | Management stratégique et langue étrangère | 6 | S3 | M2 | ||||
MU5MEE11 | Optimisation des performances des turbomachines | 6 | S3 | M2 | 50 | 50 | ||
MU5MEE12 | Stockage de l’énergie électrique dans l’automobile et ses enjeux | 6 | S3 | M2 | 0 | 0 | ||
MU5MEV01 | Conception de systèmes durables | 6 | S4 | M2 | 33 | 34 | 33 | |
MU5MEV02 | Management stratégique et langue anglaise | 6 | S4 | M2 | 30 | 40 | 30 | |
MU5MEV03 | Marketing industriel | 3 | S4 | M2 | 50 | 20 | 30 | |
MU5MExxx | Anglais TOIC | 3 | S4 | M2 | 100 | |||
MU5MEV04 | Projet de fin d'étude | 15 | S4 | M2 | 100 | |||
MU5MExxx | Stage | 27 | S4 | M2 | 100 |
Plateforme d’ingénierie Expérimentale, Campus de Saint Cyr l’Ecole
Sorbonne Université
Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie
Campus de Saint Cyr l'Ecole.
2 place de la Gare de Ceinture
78210 Saint Cyr l'Ecole
En voiture
Coordonnées GPS
48.801790, 2.076426
+48° 48' 6.44", +2° 4' 35.13"
En train
De la gare MONTPARNASSE (SNCF, ligne N en direction de Plaisir Grignon) : 30 min
De la garde d’AUSTERLITZ (RER C en direction de Saint Quentin en Yvelines) : 45 min
De la garde de la DEFENSE (SNCF, ligne U en direction de La Verrière) : 30 min
De la gare au Campus de Saint Cyr l'Ecole
Il faut 10 minutes environ pour aller à pieds de la gare de Saint-Cyr au Campus de Saint Cyr l'Ecole :
• En sortant de la gare prendre à droite
• Descendre les escaliers sur la gauche et longer le mur jusqu’à la N10 (200 m)
• Traverser la N10 et prendre à droite jusqu'au prochain croisement (150 m)
• Tourner à gauche et descendre la route
• L'entrée de l'institut d'Alembert est à 150 m sur la gauche
• Les bancs de TP sont localisés dans le bâtiment 4 (niveau Licence) et 10 (niveau Master).
Accès à l'ENSAM (partenaire)
Texte TP fournit sur place
lien site web
151 Boulevard de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris
Michael Deligant
Accès à INRAE (ancien IRSTEA)
lien site web
Texte TP fournit sur place
1 Rue Pierre Gilles de Gennes, 92160 Antony
Denis Leducq
François Trinquet:
Contacts plateforme pédagogique PIE
Responsable technique, support TP
Pernelle BOUVET
Communication, Emploi du temps, Support TP