M2 - Biological systems and physical concepts

Modern biology has brought about an extraordinary leap forward in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the living world. This knowledge is currently opening up an original and fascinating field of investigation, enabling young physicists and biophysicists to apply their innovative and theoretical methods to the observation and modelling of biological systems, from the microscopic scale to integrated systems.

M2 - Biological systems and physical concepts

The “Biological Systems and Physical Concepts” track offers BMC students the theme of “Quantitative approaches to the physics-biology interface”. The course is designed to bring together students from a variety of backgrounds (physics, biology, biochemistry, medicine, etc.) who wish to acquire conceptual and practical mastery of physical methods for studying biological systems.
Two other themes, “Fundamental approaches to the physics-biology interface” and “Genetic approaches to the physics-biology interface”, are offered to students with a solid background in physics who wish to acquire additional training in biology while pursuing their physics studies.
The SBCP track is co-accredited by Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité and Université Paris Saclay.



Isabelle BONNET

Responsable pédagogique

Secrétariat pédagogique

Plus d'informations

  1. Site de la spécialité