External Aggregation in Mathematics
Preparation for the aggregation in mathematics has a three-way objective:
- consolidate the knowledge acquired by students up to M1, covering a broad range of mathematics;
- prepare them to take the competitive examination for the aggregation in mathematics under the most favorable conditions;
- train them for the teaching profession, in both lycée and preparatory classes.
This is a diploma course: the jury will deliberate early enough to allow the award of the Master of Mathematics, "préparation à l'agrégation" course, before the publication of the aggregation eligibility list.
Preparation for the aggregation in mathematics includes :
- solid preparation for the written exams, covering most of the algebra, geometry and analysis syllabus for the competitive examination; these courses are supplemented by tutorials and individual tests (colles) to ensure that the essential concepts have been properly understood;
- oral preparation, consisting of courses or lessons presented by the teachers, as well as lessons entrusted to the students but planned in consultation with the teachers to improve their quality;
- preparation for the Probability, Scientific Calculus, Algebra and Formal Calculus and Computer Science options, including practical work on a computer. Candidates must choose one of the four options when they register for the examination, probably in September; they can obtain information from the people in charge of each option;
- a regular schedule of written tests (mock exams) and mock oral exams, which enable students to test themselves under real-life examinationconditions.
Classes cover the entire curriculum (available on the "Becoming a teacher" website). Classes are generally held every morning. The eight mock exams usually take place on Saturday mornings. Some afternoons are reserved for mock exams and tutorials.
Target audience and prerequisites
To apply for this aggregation preparation course :
- candidates must have a solid background in mathematics, at the level of the first year of a master's degree in mathematics from Sorbonne University or a CAPES certificate in mathematics;
- for option D, computer science training to at least L3 level is required.
We also welcome :
- returning students with a Master 2 or equivalent (e.g. engineering diploma);
- students with a doctorate and the necessary mathematical skills.
Job opportunities
Career opportunities
Teaching mathematics in high schools, preparatory classes and the first years of higher education.
Further studies
Doctorate: career as a researcher in companies or large research organizations, academic career as a teacher-researcher.
Candidates are selected on the basis of their academic record. To find out more, visit our Applications page.
For further information
Contact us
Nicole Abrahamian
Tour 14-15, 2e étage, bureau 202
Boîte courrier 202
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05
Responsable pédagogique du parcours
Jimmy Lamboley