2024 ERC Consolidator Grant Winners
Sorbonne University congratulates its winners of the ERC Consolidator project call.
The winners
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the winners of its Consolidator Grants, which annually support numerous projects by mid-career scientists. This year, Sorbonne University celebrates five new awardees:
- Ines Anna Drinnenberg, CNRS Research Director at the Laboratory of Nuclear Dynamics (CNRS/Institut Curie/Sorbonne University), for the project CHROMOGENEV0: "The impact of chromatin on genome organisation, function and evolution"
- Javier Fresán, Professor and Researcher at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche (CNRS/Sorbonne University/Université Paris Cité), for the project EMOTIVE: "Exponential Motives and Arithmetic Gevrey Series"
- Victor Gysembergh, CNRS Researcher at the Léon Robin Center for Research on Ancient Thought (CNRS/Sorbonne University), for the project PALAI: "PALimpsests: Artificial Intelligence applied to advanced imaging of recycled manuscripts from Northern Italy in the Early Middle Ages, to study their production and use within a sustainable ecology"
- Adam Nahum, CNRS Research Director at the Laboratory of Physics at ENS (CNRS/ENS - PLS/Sorbonne University/Université Paris Cité), for the project STAQQ: "Statistical mechanics of quantum measurement and quantum entanglement"
- Céline Vallot, CNRS Research Director at the Laboratory of Genetic Information Dynamics: Fundamentals and Cancer (CNRS/Institut Curie/Sorbonne University), for the project IGNITION: "Controlling cell lineage integrity to intercept tumor initiation"
The ERC Consolidator Grant: An award for European Excellence
bourse ERC Consolidator Grant seeks to fund exploratory research projects on innovative themes over a five-year period, with a budget of approximately €2 million.
Designed for researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience post-doctorate, the grant supports promising scientists seeking to establish or strengthen their research teams.
With an exceptionally competitive selection process, the ERC Consolidator Grant recognizes outstanding projects on ambitious and high-risk research topics.