The ERC Advanced Grant 2022 Awards
Six researchers at Sorbonne University's laboratories have been awarded prestigeous European research grants, of the 32 awarded in France.
The official ERC AdG results for 2022 were announced 30th of March, 2023
- Gwendal Fève, professor at Sorbonne University at the ENS Physics Laboratory (LPENS - ENS Paris/CNRS/Sorbonne University/Université Paris Cité)
Projet ASTEC (Anyon Statistics in Tiny Electronic Colliders) - Julien Laurat, professor at Sorbonne University at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory (LKB - ENS Paris/CNRS/Collège de France/Sorbonne University)
Projet NanoAtom (Quantum Optical Physics with Neutral-Atom Waveguide-QED) - Nathalie Vigier, research director at CNRS in the Villefranche-sur-Mer Oceanography Laboratory (LOV - Sorbonne University/CNRS)
Projet SeaLi2Bio (Biological Isotopy of Lithium in Littoral Zones) - Sandrine Bony, research director at CNRS at the Laboratory of Dynamic Metrology (LMD - Sorbonne University/ENS - PSL/École Polytechnique/CNRS)
Projet MAESTRO (Mesoscale organisation of tropical convection) - Damien Baigl, professor at ENS in the Laboratory of selective activation process by uni-electronic or radiative energy transfer (PASTEUR - ENS Paris/CNRS/Sorbonne University)
Projet DREAM (DNA-encoded Reconfigurable and Active Matter) - Déborah Bourc'his, research director at Inserm in the Laboratory of Genetics and dévelopmental biology (Institut Curie/CNRS/Inserm/Sorbonne University)
Projet HOTIMAGE (HOst-Transposon Interactions in the MAle GErmline)