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Nous avons trouvé 344 résultats pour votre recherche

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Nanomat Master

… Nanomat Master The nanophysic and material sciences are currently in … companies, join to offer the excellent training at a Masters level in material and nano-physics - Nanomat Master. Published on 14/12/2022 Nanomat is a research-type M2 program (M2: Master

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Master of Mechanical Engineering

Master of Mechanical Engineering Sorbonne Université's Master of Mechanics aims to train experts in the study of … registrations are now available here . Published on 13/01/2020 - Updated on 27/07/2023 Menu Master of Mechanical …

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Master of Chemistry

Master of Chemistry The Master of Chemistry at Paris Centre … as future scienti fic professionals . Published on 13/01/2020 - Updated on 3/05/2024 Menu Master of Chemistry … curriculum at the start of this program, students will have mastered modern analytical methods and understand chemical …

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Master in Integrative Biology and Physiology

Master in Integrative Biology and Physiology This version of … semester of the first year (M1S1).     English leaflet 2024-2025.pdf (pdf 2.41 MB)   ​ Organigramme du master BIP … of an EU country : To apply for the first year of a Masters course, you must use Monmaster platform To apply for …

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Master of Fundamental Physics and Applications

Master of Fundamental Physics and Applications Sorbonne University's Fundamental Physics and Applications master's program offers training in all aspects of physics, … for the agrégation externe in physics ). Published on 19/11/2019 - Updated on 21/02/2024 Menu Master of Fundamental …

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International master Inflamed

… International master Inflamed Our body can defend itself against external … therapeutic strategies. In this context, the International Master of Sciences (Msc) Inflamed (Inflammation in Diseases) … skills. The Master is open to all Master 1 and Master 2 students from Sorbonne Université and Ghent University. …

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Master in Actuarial Science

Master in Actuarial Science The Master's degree in Actuarial Science aims to train … those linked to the digital revolution. Published on 25/11/2019 - Updated on 19/07/2023 Master in Actuarial Science …

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Master of Computer Science

Master of Computer Science The Master of Computer Science … RES-INSTA-soft , SFPN-MSI , STL-INSTA ). Published on 19/11/2019 - Updated on 18/07/2024 Menu Master of Computer Science … opened, offered by SU's Computer Science and Mathematics Masters departments. This new program offers students …

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M2 - Second year Master’s

… M2 - Second year Master’s The second year of the Master's programme (M2) corresponds to a specialisation cycle (60 ECTS) that …

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Master’s in High Performance Computing (HPC)

Master’s in High Performance Computing (HPC) Course duration … degree from one of the partner universities (option 2 : EUMaster4HPC) Course locations : Sorbonne Université, … release EUMaster4HPC Master Informatique - Parcours SFPN Masters in Mathematics and Applications Study at Sorbonne …